One Day Of Winter #5 Bathroom locked, lentil slop, favouritism has to stop.

I know that her dad paid for her car, but not sure how else they manage to afford things! Must be getting it from somewhere because there’s no way they’d afford it! She tells the world when something is cheap or she got something for £1, but she goes verrrry quiet when they do something expensive!
Do they get financial help a lot from parents or something? I'm just so confused how they are affording to go on holiday at the moment including the costs of tests and paperwork etc pay private school fees, pay a mortgage, run a car etc all on maternity pay and retail manager wages? No amount of frugality can honestly make that work out in my head.
Every school would just get on with it if a kid came in with pen on their face. As long as she wasn't being disruptive or rude, it wouldn't matter. I hate the way she paints the school as so brilliant and wonderful, when it's just a normal school.

Every teacher I've ever worked with would be like, "Oh, are you a cat today! That's nice."

I wonder how long it will take for her to realise that her child isn't "crazy", or "wild", or anything else she likes to pretend she is. She's just a normal child playing pretend.

The thing I am quite liberal when it comes to parenting. I like my children to express their individuality and I want them to be able to question the narrative and critically think. However children need boundaries, guidance, and direction. They are too young to understand how the world works and it's up to us as parents to prepare them for adulthood. Nicola is preventing her child from being able to learn these basic skills and in the future it will hinder Ravens chances of being able to function in society. It's not healthy for Ravens development at all.