One Day Of Winter #5 Bathroom locked, lentil slop, favouritism has to stop.

It *is* neglectful to either completely fail to teach your child to eat and drink, or to know they have problems doing so and not seek medical assistance until they are dehydrated. However I don't doubt the breastfeeding cult reassured her it was normal. Still neglect.

You’re right of course, it’s neglect but unwittingly so. I’m sure the mother in question really, truly believed that she was doing the very best for her son by letting him exist on breastmilk so long. I remember hearing from breastapo types that up until the age of 12m it was totally OK to not bother with solid food, and if your kid is obsessed with the boob, don’t sweat it 🤷‍♀️

That’s the problem with online echo chambers, they teach you to ignore your own instincts.
You’re right of course, it’s neglect but unwittingly so. I’m sure the mother in question really, truly believed that she was doing the very best for her son by letting him exist on breastmilk so long. I remember hearing from breastapo types that up until the age of 12m it was totally OK to not bother with solid food, and if your kid is obsessed with the boob, don’t sweat it 🤷‍♀️

That’s the problem with online echo chambers, they teach you to ignore your own instincts.

Yeah absolutely - I don't doubt she felt she was doing right by her son, and loves him dearly. It's just straight up factually incorrect too - babies run out of internal stores of iron and other nutrients around 6 months. Milk tops up those levels but other food sources are needed.
I know a child who is breastfed for every meal. They are 3 in October and have had to have all their teeth removed. They can't walk and they can't talk.

That’s horrendous. Why do some women seem to think breastfeeding is the be all and end all, even to the point where they don’t even provide their children actual food. It’s so sad, and what does it actually achieve in the long run - having your child suffer serious nutritional deficiencies, having their teeth removed at 3 and not being able to meet important milestones like walking. Absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah absolutely - I don't doubt she felt she was doing right by her son, and loves him dearly. It's just straight up factually incorrect too - babies run out of internal stores of iron and other nutrients around 6 months. Milk tops up those levels but other food sources are needed.
Totally agree with this. If this poor woman was feeding the child chips for every meal because 'they won't eat anything else' then everyone would be up in arms about it but because it's *magical* breastmilk it's somehow ok...
(I'm all up for breastfeeding and have bf both mine but I just cannot get over how dangerous this attitude can be)

Raven is going to school more than 1 day a week now ….. shocker!!
She only did 10 hours a week or something like that when she went back after R, so she wasn’t away from her for long.
R has also been to a “summer school” which is based at her school - think she’s starting to see how much easier life is when she hasn’t got Raven hanging off her nipples all day!