I tend to find anyone that resorts to
this emoji so early on isn't actually prepared to discuss any POV that's not a carbon copy of their own.
No one has said she hasn't lost a child. I think we have all said at some point how we empathise or can't even imagine the gravity of her loss, therefore sympathise with Nicola. No one has discounted her giving birth during a pandemic.
What's discussed here is how stubborn she is about any viewpoint on parenting that isn't her own, apparently to hers and her childrens' detriment (mentally, physically or otherwise) or at least that is the impression she puts out for thousands of followers to see. We discuss how we think that detriment manifests. We discuss how obscene we think it is that a 3.5 year old apparently dictates the running of the other members' of the households lives. Well, you've seen what's discussed. All information she puts out there for almost 20k people. She makes her childrens' lives public. She makes facts about her relationship and the goings on of her household public. She wilfully implicitly criticises parents and caregivers (nursery have been on the receiving end) on a daily basis with her breast is not only best but the only way mentality, her 'gentle' parenting which is akin to neglecting one child to sate the every whim of another, even the family's vegetarian/vegan lifestyle posts come across preachy sometimes. So what she does covertly, the people here do openly.
While it is true that if we don't like her we can just 'scroll past' or unfollow her, that same sentiment is true for you. Don't like Tattle or the thread, don't read it. But me saying that is akin to curating what others post and that's not permitted here. Your (was it?) 5 item list on how everyone else should behave would be right at home on Nicola's page.
And now notifications are coming through that my posts are being deleted because of reports of disruptive posting. So basically the 'new members' are here to censor.