What I said I still stand by. I’m not going to allow biases to cloud my judgement. Many times I’ve critiqued her. But, my point is that EDs when you’re super thin can make you see yourself as a healthy weight or feel fat, even though everyone else is saying you’re not. So what’s the diff between a healthy woman posting the exact same content and Olivia? I don’t see people slamming the healthy women ever? It’s always the super thing, or fat women who get critiqued. If Olivia is unwell, it’s very well that she sees herself in the same way as a healthy woman posting pics of their outfits etc? Her friend Tilly does it alll the time and posts in her undies etc, are people ever commenting on her videos that she’s triggering? No.
A lot of the time her body checking is her postings vids in her outfits and feeling good about herself. If you feel hot and wanna post it that isn’t vanity or triggering. Olivia has plenty of followers and a lot of them are not triggered by her stuff so I’m not sure if you have issues you need to resolve? I am personally not triggered by her content or physique and many others aren’t. Tattle isn’t a representation of the big wide world. The fashion industry is filled with women slimmer than Olivia. Do you call out Iris Law on online forums in the same way for being triggering, or are you just biased towards Olivia because you don’t like her. I can call out Olivia’s bad behaviour on here but I am not going to critique something I don’t think is an issue.
Uh.... people aren't slamming healthy women, maybe b/c they ARE healthy?? Did you not read what I said?
If you have a public platform and you're promoting unhealthy behaviours (whether you're skinny, fat, ''healthy'') then you will (and should) be called out. If you have a public platform then you do have a responsibility towards your followers/viewers. Preventing your followers from being affected by your damaging and toxic behaviour is the least you can do as an influencer.
The WHOLE point (which you have misunderstood) is that she KNOWS she is exhibiting pro-ana/ED behaviour and doing nothing about it.
Tilly does not have as big of a viewership as her - and as far as we know she hasn't promoted disordered eating habits. If she did, then she'd probably be critiqued too. It's not about feeling ''hot'' and ''posting in your undies'', b/c tons of people do that. The difference is promoting unhealthy habits and warped ideas of how someone's body should look. Just b/c you are ''personally not triggered by her content or physique'' that does not mean there isn't an issue w/ the stuff she's posting. And it's debateable that she's posting b/c she feels good about herself - if someone geniunely felt good about themself they wouldn't resort to editing their photos to the extent that Olivia does.
Tbh, I think you have issues you need to resolve - maybe start by asking yourself why are you obssessed w/ defending someone who doesn't know you exist. I actually don't think you can call out Olivia, tbh. You seem to think she is above criticism for some odd reason.