I too have some fairly odd neighbours, it's a small Irish housing estate of 28 houses with 2 large greens, Myself and hubby moved here 16 years ago. I'll give you a run down so. No.1 always bought by elderly people and well there's been 3 deaths in it, not linked. No 2, total oddball, rarely seen, has a daughter who's 7, rarely ever seen, never allowed out to play with the other kids, when they knock the door is angrily slammed in their faces. No 3 totally obnoxious rude and looks down on us all, no 6 bought a house in a town and in an estate and constantly complains about having neighbours. No 9, the nice house as its known, total OCD. Everything perfect even the grass each blade is exactly 10 mm. No 11 she's moved but was the crazy lady feared by kids hated by the rest of us, didn't cut the grass rubbish out in the garden. The new landlords are very odd also. No 12. Woman in her late 40s lives alone brilliant job but her parents come and clean her house, cut her grass and make her dinner. Even do her washing. She is also obnoxious. No 18 a young husband and wife newly moved in, she's very friendly, he is not. They've gotten the nickname the twins, they look so alike and at first we all thought they were brother and sister, finally No 21, the wife beater. He's so smary like butter wouldn't melt but they row constantly. Screaming at each other at all hours both professions but some of us have gotten together to make sure she is OK and to know we are here if she ever needs us.
Sorry can't believe I forgot no 18, he lived alone, comes from money but is an alcoholic he supposedly works in a bar. This year he took in a Ukraine under the itish scheme, I was surprised he didn't need the money. She's much much younger than him but loves to get dressed in front of the window with the blinds up and curtains open. Also likes to stand fully naked in the window. She thinks she's a super model. There is kids playing outside and have seen her. She knows exactly what she's doing. Creepy guy next door used to come out and watch her. I told her landlord she needed to stop. He said I wasn't the first to say it to him and finally she's stopped.