Odd Neighbours / Neighbour Problems #3

Does anyone have experience of neighbours dumping rubbish on private land? Access to the gate of my garden is blocked because my neighbours have decided to use the back access lane to dump their cardboard and other bits and pieces. The council won’t touch it because the lane is classed as private land. I’ve contacted the neighbours letting agent but they said unless there is proof it is the neighbours they can’t do anything. I live alone and am quite intimidated by this couple so the thought of having a word makes me really anxious. Why are people so selfish and inconsiderate

Do you know who owns the land? If you don’t, you can find out from the Land Registry. You can then contact them to say the land is being flytipped by your neighbours (great if you manage to get proof) and ask that they address it.

Also, the stuff your neighbours are dumping - are there address labels on it?
Do you know who owns the land? If you don’t, you can find out from the Land Registry. You can then contact them to say the land is being flytipped by your neighbours (great if you manage to get proof) and ask that they address it.

Also, the stuff your neighbours are dumping - are there address labels on it?

I’m not sure tbh, the council suggested I look at my deeds when they came out to look at it to see if it’s on there otherwise it could be the factors who maintain our estate but they are usually quick to try and pass the buck back to the council and say it’s for them to deal with. Unfortunately no addresses on the boxes. I really just want to tidy it all up, there’s a tyre that’s been dumped there since I moved in and car batteries too but I also don’t want to set a precedent that they can dump stuff and it will be cleared up for them ugh
I’m not sure tbh, the council suggested I look at my deeds when they came out to look at it to see if it’s on there otherwise it could be the factors who maintain our estate but they are usually quick to try and pass the buck back to the council and say it’s for them to deal with. Unfortunately no addresses on the boxes. I really just want to tidy it all up, there’s a tyre that’s been dumped there since I moved in and car batteries too but I also don’t want to set a precedent that they can dump stuff and it will be cleared up for them ugh

I would deffo find out who owns it and make it their problem. Annoying as it is, if you clear it up, the neighbours will just think they can carry on doing it but if the factors have to pay to clean it up, they’ll likely start hassling the people doing it which will make them think it’s not worth the aggro.
Unethical tip-

Even if there isn’t any address stickers; just print some off and stick them on. Go authentic and make it look like it was tried to be ripped off, but leave enough of the address to make it clear who the lazy bastards are. Then report to everyone.

Not being funny but this is fine if you absolutely 200% know who did it. If you don’t really know for sure but the people two doors down are a bit cunty so it’s likely to be them, not so much.

I speak as someone who spent two years and a large amount of money trying to get out from under a false and malicious accusation.
Next door are at it again with the DIY/ building work in their rental. This time they’ve decided to dig up the flagstones on the front, right up to my unmarked property boundary, no notice and with a lovely exposed wire that I’m fairly sure is my internet cable. Would anyone else try and get in touch with the landlord at this point? They already damaged my property when knocking down a garden wall. I don’t want to end up in a boundary dispute given they don’t have access to the title plan
Next door are at it again with the DIY/ building work in their rental. This time they’ve decided to dig up the flagstones on the front, right up to my unmarked property boundary, no notice and with a lovely exposed wire that I’m fairly sure is my internet cable. Would anyone else try and get in touch with the landlord at this point? They already damaged my property when knocking down a garden wall. I don’t want to end up in a boundary dispute given they don’t have access to the title plan
Yes I would 100% contact the landlord. They may well be doing unapproved work.
I reported my neighbour because he doesn't clean up his dog tit which is right outside my back door.

That was 2 weeks ago. He still hasn't cleaned it up.

I was told if he doesn't they'll inform environmental health.
Our upstairs neighbour is an absolute bleep. She just stands by her window watching you. She will watch me so recycling, she watches when we drop the kids off to school just watching. Whenever I do recycling she will send her hen picked husband to rearrange It (we share a garden) everything is a problem kids playing football in the garden, kids looking at the plants, the kids running round, kids being on bikes scooters, kids waiting in the hallway for my youngest to get picked up for school. She is just such a busy body and I try not to let it bother us but god she needs to get a bleeping hobby
I’ve got one of those as well. I get reported all the time. Some I get letters for, some I don’t know whether it’s all mouth or whether the council just piss themselves and don’t bother. The latest was when I filled my garden bin up - she was reporting me because you have to pay now. I have paid 🤷🏼‍♀️
I have an awful neighbour. Smokes weed honestly 247. Was on disability but that got stopped because she isn’t disabled. Does duck all with her kids as she’s so high all the time, her front and back garden are trampy as duck because she’s just a woman…. God get me out of this house!!! I can’t stand living next door to such a woman and now I’m public enemy no1 because I reported her for all the weed smoking and rubbish in the garden and bonfires (along with other neighbours who have reported too but I’m getting all the backlash and abuse for it) 🙃
Just moved into a new flat about 2 months ago, everyone’s smiled and said the odd hello. As soon as we moved in we could hear the upstairs flat at it, iyk. Happened exactly the same time every night, it started to piss husband off but I just thought fair play to them. Now I’m started to get pissed off, it’s every single night, I’ve noticed a few men come in so I’m wondering if they’re a couple doing SW. it’s starting to wake up our child as it sounds like they’re literally jumping on our heads I’m also starting to worry about the woman as it’s never not been one night. I’ve smacked the broom on the ceiling once or twice but I don’t want to start a conflict but I also can’t carry on with it sounding like the ceilings going to fall on top of us
This morning I’m SO pissed off. Was doing it again all night. Stopped at 2am I was up at 6 for work, hubby went up at knocked on the door at one point, he said you could hear cheeks clapping in the communal stairs 😂 what’s pissed me off more is they didn’t stop when he knocked just went quiet then an hour later she’s back with her dramatic mosning. How do you think I should go about this? Do I put a polite letter in the letter boxes outside or do I go straight to the housing association? Don’t want to start a war and it also seems a silly thing to complain about but it’s every night and I’m not getting any sleep, can’t enjoy the tv and it’s bleeping selfish tbh
This morning I’m SO pissed off. Was doing it again all night. Stopped at 2am I was up at 6 for work, hubby went up at knocked on the door at one point, he said you could hear cheeks clapping in the communal stairs 😂 what’s pissed me off more is they didn’t stop when he knocked just went quiet then an hour later she’s back with her dramatic mosning. How do you think I should go about this? Do I put a polite letter in the letter boxes outside or do I go straight to the housing association? Don’t want to start a war and it also seems a silly thing to complain about but it’s every night and I’m not getting any sleep, can’t enjoy the tv and it’s bleeping selfish tbh
When my neighbour was having loud sex I remember reading about an asbo or similar where someone was fined for it. I'll try and find a link.

You can complain to the council about it. Pretty sure you can rung the police about it too
Found out tonight that my neighbour has been spying and eavesdropping on conversations I have inside my own home and I am both freaked out and livid! I found out verbally and I have no proof, what can I do? I’m literally shaking with anger right now
Have they been recording you? Voyeurism is a prosecutable offence. How did you find out?? 😳
Have they been recording you? Voyeurism is a prosecutable offence. How did you find out?? 😳
No idea if it’s recorded or just being nosy outside our window, but twice this week they’ve quoted something very niche that I spoke about on the phone to a deceased relatives partner who lives across the country. Not even my husband has been privy to that conversation. The first time was a red flag I passed off as a strange coincidence to use the same turn of phrase as I had the night before, but tonight they slipped up and quoted a very specific financial figure in conversation, and from my shocked reaction they realised they’d fucked up and scarpered quickly.
My terrace has always been pretty quiet, considerate neighbours, and we've all been quite nice/tolerant of each other - eg I ignore old Doris' exceedingly loud TV/radio bc shes 85 and half deaf and she ignores my spin bike at 6am, but the nice older couple have moved out next door and we've got a younger couple who are just so bleeping loud, fighting continually, stomping around (how??? i've never heard anyone moving around before and I've been here 5 years and the prev couple had a lot of grandkids lol). they've already put a ding in my car door (their allocated space is next to mine and I was wfh that week so know its them) and not apologised, and they keep double parking me so I can't even get out. Plus she smokes outside my kitchen window continually, so can't even open the windows anymore

gonna start stomping around when i get up for work at 5am and see how they like it lol

man i need to move.