Niomi Smart #88 Bye bye cock retreats and naughty Halloween orgies … hello museums and Dior parties

Every time we wonder how on earth Niomi can fall for garbage like Lordon, we need to remember that next to all her insecurities and mental health issues, she’s also a worldclass asshole.
It's such a stark difference to her persona on videos as well, always makes me laugh. If you just follow her youtube, you see this overly articulate twee hippy positivity nonsense and could assume she's an airhead but a harmless one. Then comes the comment replies and she sounds like the 16 year old chavvy mean girl of the school who always laughs too much when she's saying something bitchy. I genuinely expected a ":s" at the end of that sentence lmao
I’m glad to see on her stories that she’s gone to get her eyes tested!

I too think she's super mentally unstable actually, on top of being a c**** like @WinterSolstice said. Imagine this: you lucked out on a god-awful amount of cash by simply staying with your high school sweetheart who made it on YouTube and gave you a platform. They build you a personality when you're originally just a tacky blonde who loves fancy shoes and has no education or culture except maybe wanting to stay thin. Off you go with a marketing team that tells you sustainability and plant-based cooking will make you $$$. So, you've almost never worked a day in your life, your very unhealthy relationship to food has been your money maker for years, you're still uncultured and uneducated, and years later, your livelihood depends on strangers on the internet either supporting you (bright tribe) or criticizing you (shadows hiiii). You never built the thick skin necessary, and you tell yourself (and frequent only people who will repeat this to you and agree) that it's a very hard business because of constant exposure to criticism and "trolls", so you never have to put yourself into question. The way I see it, she genuinely thinks she's not the mean girl and is just fighting for her life (trying to get a good husband pushing 30-something) and recovering from the hardest breakup of her life. Keep in mind also that she probably early on and to this day has convinced herself the Joe breakup was almost entirely due to the "shadows" and the constant exposure because of her job - which may be why the latest two excuses for mankind she picked as boyfriends were heavily online as well. It's then easy to dismiss her own failings (although I'm sure she has a very fragile sense of self, nobody who spends that much time talking about the moon and the right path does), grow, and learn from her mistakes. I wouldn't want to spend a day in her skin, I'd have a panic attack from the lack of meaning/work/friendship and true connections. Wake up Niomi. Go to therapy and rebuild real connections with people, not just one guy. Reflect on what went wrong. Find a better career if YouTube doesn't fill your cup anymore - which it clearly doesn't, given how depressed and unhappy it visibly makes you.

That being said: I said this weeks ago maybe and I'm def not an expert in this field, but people now want authenticity (see Call Her Daddy etc), they don't want to be manipulated and gaslighted. She could pick the truth and work on herself (not spiritual BS, real therapy and accountability) and still make $$ and have a following.
She’s posted so many things about how she was desperate to get her hair done, get her hydro facial and all those other things after Bali like she’s trying to wash it all out of her system, she clearly hated it there! I was really hoping she’d be honest and spill about the end of their relationship because a) I’m just nosy and b) she could genuinely help so many people talking about her experiences in said relationship!
She has too much pride to admit going back to Bali and getting re-engaged was a mistake and it would go against her whole “I’m always on the right path” bullshjt.

no mandalas in sight now huh? Suddenly no more rejection of her “materialistic London lifestyle? I guess the city is no longer too masculine for her? A wolf in sheep’s clothing, she’s vile and manipulative just like Jamie is. Even in her next relationship I doubt she’s going to find a decent man.
Also new video: she spends more than half of it gushing about her new gifted ring and how a chapter of her life closed, and a new one has begun. How she’s so happy to be home and everything that happened is a catalyst for change,etc etc. and then she transitions back into the posh and materialistic Niomi that she kept trying to deny while she was back in Bali. Shopping, gifted events, all the good stuff.

she does seem weirdly pissed off though I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into it but it seems like she’s mad at the universe or whatever that it let her spend another year wasted with Jamie LOL. She seems to have hated the time she spent with him.
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Sorry, I haven't been keeping up...did she go back to Bali and actually got engaged to the same dude again? OR, did she go back there in hopes of getting engaged to him again?

Do we know if she sold her London home? If someone has a link to the last time it for sale, please somehow message me! (I'm old lol, not sure if there is a way to message members here on Tattle Life?)
Sorry, I haven't been keeping up...did she go back to Bali and actually got engaged to the same dude again? OR, did she go back there in hopes of getting engaged to him again?
Okay my memory is fuzzy, but Lordon was in South Africa and some posters here (very talented) spotted that she took a plane there. Then she posted one of the most asinine post she ever made labelled, I kid you not, "love wins" with the engagement ring back on.
I think some people theorized that they were more on pause/trial rather than broken up, either way, I can't believe he made her run to him all the way to South Africa.
Yes she 100% knew this wasn’t going to last so didn’t definitely say they were back together or say they were engaged AGAIN. And yes Nims it is THREE failed engagements when you guys broke it off the first time and they got engaged again 🙄 she’s gaslighting her followers if she is going to pretend they never got back together. She was all for showing off the engagement to gross Jamie the first time, clearly ashamed the second time.

She didn't have any trouble gushing about her engagement era but now she's being passive aggressive to people who even dare ask her about her relationship, you can't have it both ways Nims, either be more private so you don't have to explain anything or just say yes or no so that the 🥴 mean trolls 🥴 can stop harassing you.

I read this line someone wrote about a different influencer, Renee Ambers, and immediately thought of Niomi.

" Also people watch social media to decompress, not to get frustrated by lies. "
And that is why Niomi Smart is an influencer above all else. She advertised about thirteen products in that video. It's not about community and sharing her life with viewers who feel like friends, it's about selling and selling and selling, and the "community" is only necessary to bulk up her numbers so that brands send deals her way.
Her skin is nothing to write home about, but she already looks a million times better with her natural hair color around her face.