Omg, I don’t think I ever watched the bridesmaid video because it looked boring to me. The way she spoke about the flat stinks! ‘Joe’s flat’ and ‘Freddie is going to be our flat mate’ wtf? Joe might own it but if Freddie has lived there since what 2017? 2016? I’d say that’s Freddie’s flat and he’s very kindly letting us move in with him? You don’t refer to a flat as being whoever the landlord’s name is. Then saying first night in ‘our’ flat...just gave me the ick actually watching it, yikes.
I think Freddy/flat situation has a lot to do with the break up.
The last post on the balcony with the pizza, she again captioned it as " a place to call home". Every opportunity she got, she tried her best to emphasize that its her and Joe's flat.
What if Freddy was being left out in that house almost all days ?
N and J was eating dinner for two there (not saying Freddy should invade their privacy), but Freddy is not just another roommate, he is Joe's brother , his born sibling. The constant avoidance, the constant emphasize on "our flat" "new home", the rearrangement in a video which the whole world could watch (like telling the world , it is me and my fiance's flat , his brother lives here, we are great for "Allowing that" mentality)
I mean can you imagine if N had a flat and Daisy Mae ( just assuming her to be a grown up) was using it, will N take it well if he constantly tried to be the emperor of that flat or if he takes initiative to ignore N's sister and act like she is not living there at all?
Niomi sure does comes across as sweet , but she could be the not so sweet person we see on screen. Who knows! Her flat and events associated with gives her a rude vibe . If she could post that much online about it, I wonder how bad it was offline. I mean, don't we all know 10000% polite people to outsiders but not actually very nice ppl? it is easy to disguise rgt, and since there is lot of ppl who agree she is fake , may be she is not all that sweet as she come across. And don't forget the fact that she is a Gemini, Gemini's are known for having two different personalities.
We know she is bossy and controlling, its just the flat situation just made her bring that out more.
I would have stood up to my sibling in such a situation, doe not mean I disrespect my partner, but as a sibling ain't that the right thing to do? Niomi would have, if Daisy Mae was in Freddy's shoes.
Niomi also mentioned that Joe and her never had a cross word- in a 4 year relationship!! How is that even a true relationship? She either lied, or Joe had his first cross word and she could not handle it.
ABOUT Joe's job; may be RR asked him to resign to leave India or stay there until further notice?? That is why he does not have his job back now even though IPL is starting in Dubai? May be Niomi had a hand in making him resign?
All these, plus the lock down, plus her constant control over what he ate, how much he ate, controlling over his brother must have had Joe explode (probably for the first time) and she could not, would not take it or accept it.
That is why probably Freddie put a post to show , hello madam and brother is still chilling and she immediately unfollowed them both!
She should loosen up, yes do her self care and find out who she is, what she wants.
I unfollowed her soon after she started dating Joe, could not relate to her or her content. Like many said I liked her when she was living alone after break u with Marcus.
Why is she even vegan? For health? then she should stop eating all fake "vegan" things and heavily processed things.
for environment? Her lIfe style sure does not agree to that either
for animals? Nope. She worked with million brands who does animal testing to say the least.
It looks like trying hard to maintain the vegan brand name and stay on that because that is her income is from.
May be she should rebrand, she can eat non vegan, or may be vegetarian and live concisely contributing to environment, sustainability.
Doe not have to stick with her current image but rather be true to herself. Do what she want, eat what she wants. She is hopping from brands to brands , because she does not have a genuine identity.Hope her self care session helps her to revamp and rebrand and become a true to self person!
Ok, thank you so much if you read all of this! I could write a movie now