equally, if you struggle with balance and mobility, and have excruciating hip pain, you would avoid climbing into a hammock - not just due to the mobility issues impeding the ability to get into a hammock unaided, but also the risks of falling whje your bones are going to be at such high risk of fracture! even if her pain and mobility aren't as bad as she frequently claims, it's still entirely irresponsible to take such unnecessary risks - especially while she is abroad! altho, as has already been said, if she was genuinely struggling to extent she claims, she wouldn't have the physical ability to do any of these things anyway, even the bouncing and twirling and dancing which she performs with such ease, until she suddenly remembers that she is supposedlynin severe pain, and quickly grabs her hip, followed by a few selfies with her cane prop to try and distract her followers from her ability to do fat mroe than she claims she is able - including trying on multiple outfits and bikinis and packing for a holiday with zero help, on her feet for hours and not imacpted by pain or exhaustion! hell even when the hotel upgraded them she had repacked her suitcase in moments and was able to drag it herself to their new suite! as always, her symptoms and pain can be turned on and off as it suits HER.Lets face it. If anyone has mobility issues/ becomes unsteady on their feet, would they go anywhere near a pool? Its basic common sense. Nicky is basically saying there is nothing here to see, what you do see is all an illusion. It feels like I am watching "the worlds greatest magic tricks revealed" or something.
And the vagus nerve stimulator? She says it actually works and it managed to help her cope with a panic attack or whatever? What an absolute crock of nonsense. Nothing but a gimmick, but she gets paid to sell gimmicks to her followers who dont mind buying tit if it helps Nicky.
Nothing we haven't seen Nicky do before is it? An example that springs to mind is throwing herself on the floor into the snow and almost hitting a tree.equally, if you struggle with balance and mobility, and have excruciating hip pain, you would avoid climbing into a hammock - not just due to the mobility issues impeding the ability to get into a hammock unaided, but also the risks of falling whje your bones are going to be at such high risk of fracture! even if her pain and mobility aren't as bad as she frequently claims, it's still entirely irresponsible to take such unnecessary risks - especially while she is abroad!
Like she's swecshhhhial for getting it,again. Nope sorry fuckwit I've seen 4 other of "you " at least being paid AD for it. But you keep going with that love.your a literally gifting joke.SHE IS SOMETHING ELSE!!!! Sitting on her FREE holiday asking her sheep to click on a link to generate MORE money for her??!!!!! WOW!!!! Do you think there’s an ounce of humility in her body??!! Takes a lot to shock me but this is another level!
it is genuinely wild to me that she is on holiday, yet her entire focus is on looking out for absolutely anything that looks like "tatas" to pose next to, and spending her time taking photos for IG and filming endless footage to create reels, with all the behind the scenes stuff showing just how much time goes into it all! she is entirely unable to just focus on the present and spend time being in the moment, actually enjoying her holiday and time with her husband. she isn't interested in actually making memories - she views life through her phone screen and all the "memories" she creates are posed snapshots of moments she didn't experience in reality - like going to watch a sunset, but instead of actually experiencing the beauty and magic of the moment, she watches it via a screen to ensure she is capturing it all on camera, to then share on insta as a magical memory - yet she doesn't have a true memory of the sunset, because she watched it through a screen, with her focus on filming, not on the sunset itself - obvs just an example, but I'm trying to illustrate Nicky's distorted interpretation of "memories". Nicky's "memories" of all her incredible holidays etc aren't stored in her brain, they are captured in photos - images of moments she has no genuine memory of. it's sad.Yup look at that walk. Someone forgot to hobble or use sticky wick. And that pose. Andxwe all no the position time moves that she's shown us goes into one shot.wow she moves,gets in more positive positions than I do.