I definitely agree with the above 2 . I think her time on IG has passed. Around the time she quit BT she was riddled with anxiety and she actually stopped posting etc. The lack of PR trips , PR events have really hit her and the likes of rosie really hard. Essentially they are one dimensional and never thought they wouldn't have endless PR trips to london etc.. I agree for someone who is always pushing supplements etc she is always sick or picking something up or feeling exhausted. .. which doesnt say much for her lifestyle. My other issue with her is- if you follow you will see she will keep up a routine for a certain few weeks , get sick , fall off the gram , loose confidence , not do anything planned , gain confidence , start again , go great for a few weeks (normally around 3 ) , then get sick.. and the cycle starts again. I hope she herself sees this pattern. So in the long run i cant see her maintain this Monday club. Maeve madden in fairness is consistent , and delivers on what she promises... She is far savvier.. if you watch Niamh now you will see this pattern. This is what i worry for her. Getting the nutrition and PT qualification - so many of the IG huns have that cant see it earning her a sustainable income in the long run.... I think she should have stayed in BT ,, and deep down i think she knows that too...Sure she could have moved into Media etc for them....