Can I check tattlers - a leasehold means someone owns the flat itself - the walls and floors etc. Whereas the freeholder owns the land and building itself, right?
my understanding was in a small block of flats usually one set of owners had the freehold of the building? And they usually owned a flat within the building as well, whereas all other flats are leasehold only, with a leasehold usually lasting about 100 years. Alternatively sometimes the freehold is shared amongst the flat owners, and they form a residents association.
With larger flat buildings, I thought it was usually a company (often the construction company that built them; making them v lucrative) that was the freeholder/landlord.
Terms of the lease (including anything RE pets) shouldn’t be a surprise to Nelly. She should have made sure she understood that before, yano, signing up to the huge financial undertaking that is a mortgage. It doesn’t add up that she’s wanted a dog forever and yet didn’t check the terms of the leasehold for pets, especially since the terms can be negotiated prior to a sale.
So much of what she posts doesn’t make sense in fact.
• if owning a dog was so important and she’s wanted one for years, why didn’t she actually check the terms of the leasehold during the sale? It makes no literal sense to buy a property and not check something that important to you, is actually possible.
• it’s possible to adopt a rescue dog without a garden but it’ll probably take longer - if this is important why didn’t they look for a flat with a garden or communal garden?
• she says they can’t afford a house - but she owns two flats doesn’t she? Why didn’t she sell her old flat and combine the proceeds to buy a bigger place with B?
• if you check companies house, she’s listed as a member of a resident association for her old flat. So she surely understood how a freehold vs a leasehold worked before buying this second flat?
It looks to me as though dog ownership was something they’d only considered recently, after the purchase, and they were potentially a bit silly with checking the T&Cs, so she’s posting this as a way to make people feel sorry for her?
As is usually the case with Helena Haycock, it’s all bizarre and nonsensical. I feel like she isn’t being honest or genuine here.
I think it sucks how difficult it is to try and get a pet if renting or living in a flat, but as someone who owns a dog… so many dog owners are totally irresponsible. Especially with noise. A barking dog isn’t deemed to be antisocial if it’s kept indoors - but it can be highly, highly disruptive. And if you get one barking dog, it usually sets off all others in the vicinity. So if everyone owned a dog it could become a real issue.
we bought a house (and we were only able to because we are both decent earners and my OH had a big chunk in savings) with a garden with a dog in mind. We’d checked the garden etc was ok for dogs right off the bat. I just can’t understand how they’d miss something like this if they’d always wanted a dog.
owning a dog and being responsible for it - is a totally different kettle of fish than when your parents own a dog. I just can’t picture Nelly being able to care for one. She relies on B for everything by the looks of things. A dog still needs a walk and socialisation even if you feel anxious and don’t wana go outside. Dogs will be anxious and loud and disruptive when settling into a new home - Nelly doesn’t come across as someone who has a good frame of mind to deal with that, and potential lack of sleep, mess, furniture being destroyed etc.