OK, let's go!
Can a narcissistic mother only isolate one of her children and turn everyone against you? Or am I the narcissist?
Long story ahead...
So I'm 1 of 6. 3 girls, 3 boys. I was always the black sheep and never got on with her, but she definitely favoured the boys (and looking back, it was/is so blatant). I was the youngest of the girls and vividly remember being 10 and refusing to go to church (we are not devout christians - she hasn't even been for decades) so she removed the TV from my shared room, which pissed my sister off, and then when she got back, called my friends mum to say I can't go to her birthday party, all because i didn't go to church. I was devastated, and she just stood there with a big grin on her face. I remember starting my period at 11/12 and never had 'the chat' so i had no clue and it was my sister (only 18 months older then me) who explained everything and showed me where her sanitary products were for me to use (she bought her own) It turns out she had had 'the chat' with both sisters. I remember she'd always single me out in front of people, knowing it made me embarrassed and bright red. It's like she got some sort of kick out of it. If a couple of us did something wrong, it was all my fault, and she'd always have to bring it up in a group setting. When I was in year 10, she punched me in the face, causing a nose bleed, because I hadn't done my coursework, due in Friday. It was Tuesday. I started to bunk off school a few times and the only time they noticed, they rung her. I again got punched in the face. She never assaulted my siblings. I confided in a friend, who wanted to take things further but I refused. She could only ever ring the landline (she was worried, so would ring every night) and mum would stand close by so I couldn't really talk. It was very uncomfortable. When I was 18, I was the only child she wanted to pay board. I said my sisters never and she said it's because they went to uni. Fair enough. I moved out instead. Ironically, my brothers also never had to. 1 went to uni but the 2 that didn't, lived there until 26 (before they got him somewhere he pays partial rent for) and one still lives there now at 29. The ones that went to uni, also returned home, for nothing, until mid-late twenties.
She spent over 12k on each of my sisters weddings. I got a 4k contribution and with that, was expected to pay for ALL the families rooms for the night! (I don't want to sound ungrateful, just comparing)
I had my first child at 22. My partner rung to tell her and even though it was out of visiting hours, she insisted on coming to the hospital right away. I was still getting my V stitched up as she walked in with dad. Obviously it was photo galore of her, dad and baby. None of me. She then plastered it on Facebook before we even told anyone else. (Pretty certain she was in the car park, leaving) She instantly started to make nasty comments about how i would dress her. She thought breastfeeding was disgustung, so I'd always remove myself to do it (even in my own home). She never commented to my sisters, when they had babies. We went round for Christmas day and baby was only 10 days old. She cried for hours. We 'ruined' Christmas. She even had us put her in a crib, by the window, in a different room, so we could eat 'in peace'. At the time, we didn't know better. Obviously every time she saw her, it was a photo op for Facebook. I had my second the following year. This time I plucked up the courage to tell her not to post anything. We ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days. They visited twice and each time she barely spoke, only asking if she can put anything on Facebook. Within seconds of me putting one on, she did. She even commented on how many likes she got over mine. I literally didn't care
. She amped it all up. If a sock fell off a foot, she threatened to report me to social services . She came round one day and the bed sheets were in the wash, again 'if social services come round and see no bedsheets, they'll take them off you'. If there was a pile of washing 'social services will take them off you'. She never rung them. To make matters worse, I was always close to my dad. He's a farmer and I always helped him out, even in full time employment and when I had my children. The only of his children to stay helping all their lives. They wanted to expand the business and went for another tenancy, in doing so, they needed someone to live there and dad asked us. Of course we said yes. I remember being dragged to the interview with a 10 month old and pregnant, as it 'will look good'. This is where things changed even more. I worked with dad all the time and we were very close. Even though mum would come up every weekend, she wouldn't come and see the kids. If she did, she posted on Facebook. Obviously all her friends think she's this amazing grany, but the reality was, when she posts, is when she sees them....very rarely. On birthdays I noticed she posts photos I've sent her, as if they are her own pictures, so swiftly stopped sending her any. She doesn't ring or come to see them, just a facebook post for her friends to fawn over. I remember organising a bbq with my brother one afternoon and that afternoon they got wind of it, and kicked off about it, so at the last minute, we had to invite everyone. I took my daughter to watch beauty and the beast at the theatre with my sister, for her late birthday treat, and then got shouted at by my dad for 'how do you think mum feels'. Literally anything I planned with anyone, became an argument with dad, because mum wasn't invited, yet they didn't plan anything themselves. Obviously, there was no issue if it was my 2 sisters just meeting up, only if it was me. I always gave dad the benefit of the doubt because she was his wife and pecked his head about it. I mean the man works 12-14hour days and gets yelled at if her tea isn't on when she comes home or of he hasn't put the washing out on the line. (She works 9-4)
When she would see the kids briefly, she'd say horrible things to their faces about their looks and how they're going to be bullied because my then 4 year old couldn't read or write very well. I actually started to keep a list of dates of when she visited and what she said! My daughter would always ask if she could go for a sleepover, and she'd say yes, but never do it. My daughter stopped asking. She never got a sleepover.
It all came to a head last year when my husband was struggling with his mental health. He was suicidal but we were getting help from his GP and the crisis team. This wasn't good enough for her. She demanded he told his parents, who couldn't help anyway because they live in Portugal. He didn't want to worry them but I persuaded him just to let them know and when I messaged to tell her, she had already told them !!!!! She also then rung and told his brother , who he hasn't spoken to in over a decade !!! She openly told me she'd discussed it with her friends at school (she's a TA) We were gobsmacked, but that still wasn't the end. About 6 weeks later, I get a call from the safeguarding team. Straight away I tell them I know exactly who's done it, as she's threatened to, ever since the kids were little. She'd told them I was being physically abused (lie) and the children were being emotionally abused (lie). The woman was actually really nice as I explained everything, but she did say she'd have to contact the kids schools...something else mum wanted us to do but we didn't see the need. The case was closed within 24 hours. We were so happy. Mother, not so much. She'd tell my sister (and no doubt her friends) how useless social services are and how they don't take things seriously as they 'apparently' closed it within 24 hours. Safe to say I informed my dad I would no longer work for them. We still wanted to farm though. Our relationship was now non existant, only pleasantries with dad. We discussed potentially moving off the farm, as it was now uncomfortbale and dad always said that (basically hinting, imo, and i felt guilty). He verbally agreed to buy my livestock, at an agreed price, in March. With still no payment, he arranged a sit down meeting with mum in June. She comes round, all nice as pie, but once sat, quickly changed. She'd sit there with this creepy smile spread across her face. She looked me square in the face and said how she can get me out this house, she can have the locks changed etc (bare in mind, her grandchildren lived there aswell) I said fine, but I want my money. Still smiling, 'what money? You can't prove they were yours to begin with'. Obviously, I was fuming. Dad then said, of course we'll pay, and she went off saying i owed her xyz for bills. Bills that we were never allowed to see and weren't allowed to set up in our own names. (2 years prior, they got my brother another tenanted farm and he paid them no bills, only partial rent.) I thought
duck it, sent them over 2 grand they demanded for 'bills', with no agreement on what they'd now pay me for the livestock, baring in mind this was the deposit we needed to move out. They paid 5 grand less then verbally agreed! On top of the 2 i sent them, we were now 7 000 short. They still don't know I voice recorded the 'meeting' and when I mentioned anything said to dad, he denied it was even said! Everytime I then saw him, it was, have you found a house. Eventually we rushed and did. It's not what or where we wanted, but it got us out. And I had zero intentions of telling them where. She came to the house the last day, and the kids were ignoring her. She made a whole song and dance about how disgusting they were, and she may aswell go home if they're not going to talk to her. She didn't. She said we need to decide if we still want to be part of the family and when I asked why, she said so she knows if to buy them Christmas presents
Dad then came and cried. I felt guilty, so typed our new address in his phone. I wish i never. He then went over to my husbands van, shouting at him, that it's all his fault. We left.
Still not the end. She now keeps msging me, 8 months later, to which I don't reply, (dad never texts or calls). I swear it's so she can show people that she's tried. She turns up to the house unannounced - more than what she's ever done in the last 9 years! We got a ring door bell, just so we know who's here. Sometimes we just hide inside. None of us want to see her. She came with Easter eggs from the family, and refused to leave them because we weren't in
my relationships are now pretty strained with all my siblings, even though they know her for what she is. Noone even thought the need to tell us we were getting a new nephew. It was just 'oh, I thought someone told you'. Obviously, it became a talking point in the village when we left and I know for a fact dad tells people it was just a falling out. Even her family friends I've told the truth to , seem to empathise with her? Extended family no longer talk to me, so I assume there's a made up story somewhere I don't know about.
But yeah, there's my fucked up little life. Sometimes I think have I over reacted? I even questionend, am I the narcissist? But one thing for certain, we are so happy to not be in that situation anymore. I do miss dad but then remember how he treated us. He's like her little puppet. Never did i think he'd betray us like that. We havent been able to celebrate his 60th with him, which still makes me sad and I wonder if he reflects on it too. I doubt it.
We now just need her to stop turning up at the house - I don't think she ever will. We've even joked about putting a sold sign up, haha.
Sorry for the essay.