naomi genes #2 moved to the states, always on dates, overfilled face & still got no mates

I knew she’d be pregnant when she said announcement. How the f when she can’t even care for poor Nola

She’s been hiding her bump for a while if you look.
yeah the blue outfit threw me off but that might be old. i wonder if naomi ever feels sad that her child is missing out on a close relationship with her family. i was looking at her dad's insta and he's got loads of photos of carmelo on there. he'll have a different relationship with carmelo to nola.
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She’s pregnant! Didn’t guess that
Ok this is going to sound super weird! I thought this a while ago but never said anything. Everytime I have a feeling someone’s pregnant ( with no hints ) I always end up being right months later. I know it sounds so weird 🤣 but honestly, I alwaysssss guess someone’s pregnant before they’ve even mentioned it. I probably sound like such a weirdo rn🤣
I really don’t understand why she’s having another so soon.I hope she toilet trains Nola so she’s not in nappies when the new one arrives.Nola might find it challenging having a sibling but I’m sure Naomi and Hubs don’t care about that.She hated being pregnant last time and cried over someone saying she’d gotten fat.Clearly hoping for a boy now so she can be done.I don’t think it’s a good move.The only positive is lil Nola will get a playmate.
I think it’s a bit of a harsh sounding name. Megan Stevens also called her daughter Nola.
I’ve noticed an influx of very minor instagrammers using the name, too.
What a bundle of sunshine…not…if it wasn’t huge news why did you do an announcement post then? Honestly weird vibe


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I was actually really surprised at how she writes lol I expected it to be like ella ravens Croft 🤣

also shocked she’s pregnant! Will be interesting to see how that pans out