This girl is a crazy spender…she’s planning what to wear when she’s tell you what to wear Nadia and it’s not white and beige…get yourself a big pair of knickers and pads cos you’re gonna be bloody sore! She’s got no idea what’s coming!
She has bought so many clothes whilst being pregnant and for post birth! What is the point? They all look very similar too so even more of what's the point?
Honestly its a very sad existence, for your only joy to be to buy another boring beige outfit. its not like she is a social butterfly either where she will make use of the millions of identical clothes she has, it’s to take a few pics for validation of strangers.
I used to spend unnecessarily like her, she’s filling a void with the temporary high retail therapy brings. Considering she likes to pretend that she’s living her apparent “dream life” - it’s clear she isn’t
She rejected so many names because they sounded like dog's name ... or her mum, dad, sister, friend, postie had a dog by that name.
Monty is very DOG in my opinion.
Bless her she looks wrecked from the birth. Tbf I did too, her lips and skin look exactly like mine did , drained of any colour at all!! Her little boy is gorgeous
She looks so happy and content. I am really happy for her.
Fillers aside, pregnancy and postpartum do crazy things to your face/body, especially with all the meds she’s been on.
I'm really happy for her and it sounds like she had a really tough birth so she's doing amazing so far, but she really really really needs to get all her fillers dissolved again AND THEN LEAVE IT LIKE THAT!
I fully understand she has just given birth and has a newborn and I’ve got children myself so 100% appreciate the toll the first few days/weeks takes on you.
BUT her face with all the fillers looks absolutely bloody awful!!! It looks bad enough when she’s had her makeup and hair done and in control of filters and lighting etc, but jeez she looks frightening right now.
What happens when she looks back at all these photos in 10-20 years time and sees her puffy Bo Selecta face? She will probably massively regret it. She needs to just get them all dissolved and leave her face alone.
I wondered whether the lower half of her face always moved weirdly so I went back and watched some of her earlier videos and wow she looked perfectly fine! She should really get it all dissolved, it doesn’t suit her at all