I still think she is fingering herself too much cant stop pulling at her hair and hands all over her face and in her mouth ,its a very strange relationship she has with big Craigey she acts like his mum telling him off and when to speak and what to say, like reversal of the Krankies.She seems to have calmed down a bit. Wonder if she has been reading tattle.
Inherited innitPrinting money this one. That’s them heading to Dubai next week.
Absolutely agree wee krankie isnt looking the same on the Dubai pics as her ketones picsI’m sorry but the Ketones before and after pic has got me this morning Hardly a comparison when the before pic is of natural stance, leggings and a tight work out zipper and the after pic is posed legs to the point of breaking and a baggy jumper
Also, her legs in the ‘after’ pic look very different to how they look in her recent Dubai stories...
All that scratching at her face and pulling her hair really fills me with rage, she is a condescending little bleep referring to her followers as wee pals.
How old is Cheryl? I thought she was mid 30s or so but she looks so old in the face in her stories from yesterday! Wow.
I spy a new engagement ring. Defo bigger and a different shape from her normal ring in those stories she’s petting the cat in bed. Could be a fake from Dubai or maybe a wee treat with the inheritance money but it’s defo a different ring in those stories.
She is too busy showcasing the new Audi...braggy little krankieI couldn't focus on the face for looking at her wee dumpy body...ketones my fucken arse, or more to the point her arse, fucken size!
Maybe, but surely she'd be bragging and showcasing stories about it? Fucken Jimmy Crankie lookalike