I find her very odd. She’s like a little girl but she’s in her mid 30s.I think she just loves the sound of her own voice.
Think shes getting a bit carried away with it all seems to be all spend spend spend......and Ketos!
All those Christmas decorations which she has been gifted. Very lucky
What a tit, people are crying because certain parts of the country are back in full lock down, cant see dying relatives, dont know how they will afford to put presents under the tree, dont know where the next meal is coming from, people are struggling mentally with being cut of from the world and have to be isolate alone..... maybe the self absorbed spoilt little madam could have gifted a hair treatmeat etc to someone whos been working hard all year you know like a nurse, care worker, bus driver, teacher etc whos been grafting to keep this country turningCrying because her bed isn’t getting delivered until late February then in the next breath off for a blow dry in the morning? Wo wonder how many stressed out mams or grannies would love a wee freebie blow dry?
I just cannot for the life of me understand these insta Huns. Think I need to come of social media for a bit
Off to the hairdressers for a blow dry to chill her out....wouldn’t it be nice eh? She is so not relatable!
She looks like a hamster with its face full of food since the fillers can’t abide herIt's her face I just cant fathom out , it's not symmetrical, and always trying to pimp big Craigy out on her insta.Glad there is a thread on her and im not the only one irritate by her.
The krankies are doing a live and it's all me me me shes got her hands all over her face and in her mouth telling big Craigy off as always, vile little mutant she is