Luisa. Did not hold back:
"Its becoming cool to have a mental health issue in the UK and if you hadn't you're a bit of a loser. I haven't got any mental health issue.
And I'm gonna go in on someone on social media who's guilty of this and has a massive fan following - Mrs Hinch.
She is always banging on about her anxiety and her mental health issues, she is one of the worst offenders for this and I just it's not cool.
Why are you trying to make mental health issues cool? I can understand we are trying to make them more mainstream and it's good to talk about them a bit more. But its all these people jumping on the bandwagon with all their mental health problems and I don't even think a lot of them have these mental health issues. I really don't.
I think it makes people who have got genuine bi-polar, schizophrenia. If you got a bit anxiety. Guess what guys, everyone has a little bit of anxiety every now and then. That's completely normal. And I think we are focusing on this too much. But its pissing me off".
Her and her co-host agreed people shouldn't self-diagnose so quick.
Luisa said some of these people like Mrs Hinch are just attention seeking with their bleeping quotes. "Mrs Hinch is annoying me now and I might unfollow her".