I have one of those swaddle things. To be honest I wouldnt call it a swaddle at all it's more of a nest. I got it for my last baby. I didnt buy it from Ebay
I bought it from a local store that sells baby stuff. They (or at least my one was) are held by a tiny bit of velcro and are very loose, not wrapped firmly around baby at all. However. I would never use it as an over night sleep. Because they are so loose baby could slip down underneath it/ roll into it and suffocate or it could open and go over babies face. I used it to wrap baby up while in the pram during autumn when the weather was unpredictable so I could add or take away layers as needed.
They are also quite thick, if you ever bought a cot duvet that's the kind of feeling of them.
(Duvets should be used after age1!!)
If shes reading here please go and buy proper Swaddle blankets and sleeping bags from mothercare/primark for overnight sleep. I suppose I have the sense of a 3rd time mother (soon to be 4th) to know better than to leave baby in it overnight or unsupervised.
Unlike cult fans who will just buy coz Mrs Hinch did.
Also growth scans are not routine. Baby must have been behind because she dosnt frickin eat!!