Same, my credit card expired and I never renewed under my new card. I was happy to contribute at the start for the reasons you said--and if I am interested in and partaking in their content regularly then I don't mind (I contribute on patreon to another 2 accounts I subscribe to and watch regularly). But the content lately is uninspired and repetitive, so I'm losing interest. I usually still watch, but not when they premiere like I used to.I like Molly and the channel, I still watch but it's about 50% of the videos(nothing about Universal is interesting to me).
I left Patreon. I joined early, when they launched, because I appreciated her breaking away and working for herself - that's scary. Nothing about Patreon was of value to me, I was purely supporting a content creator that I enjoyed. But they don't need me and I'm sure af not spending $30 to meet them