Harder than the basic day to day . I’m sure nurses, doctors, police officers, prison officers, etc would want a wordI just saw this comment on her interview video and this dumb ass needs to be torn to shreds probably one of the most stupidest things I’ve read in a while.
I just saw this comment on her interview video and this dumb ass needs to be torn to shreds probably one of the most stupidest things I’ve read in a while.
Someone I know whose father had a sex change , changed his name to “Bambi”. That’s the only One I’ve heard ofOnly one Bambi on Instagram as far as I can see….
Because it shapeshiftsi cant explain it but her nose just makes no sense to me
I really don’t get the point of this post. You’re just telling everyone you’re a tit person who doesn’t deserve pets.I wanted to ask you girls something as I got a kitten at start of the year and had to let it go.
I don’t know how anyone can cope with the smell, it was weeing and pooing everywhere. It kept going to the toilet next to the human toilet so I put the litter tray in there and it absolutely stank, I don’t know how anyone can live with that smell.
it would literally poo like 7-8 times a day. I gave it away as I could no longer cope with it, the breaking point was it jumping in my babies cot and weeing there. Then it shat on my bed.
I don’t know how people can prefer them over dogs, dogs have much more sense plus they don’t jump on all your surfaces.
I literally had to scoop poo 3-4 times a day. And it would get the litter everywhere as it would kick out the tray and even leave pooey footprints.
I don’t get how Molly would deal with it all!
i have a puppy now and it goes to do it’s business outside generally once a day. And he tells me when he needs to go outside. I don’t know how anyone could prefer a cat over that.
This is genuinely worryingI just saw this comment on her interview video and this dumb ass needs to be torn to shreds probably one of the most stupidest things I’ve read in a while.
I seriously do not know how she can cope with cats going to the toilet all over the house, it's revolting! Does she not have an outhouse where she can keep them? I could not stand for that! They are marking their territory in the new house, people say cats are clean animals, they are not they are filthy!
never ever had a cat doing that, clearly something is wrong with the cat and needs a vet or behaviorist
never ever heard of a cat doing that unless it was distressed
My cat as a kitten used to wee on my bed now he goes outside happilyCats are incredibly clean animals but with like all pets they need training, once they are happy with their litter box situation they will continue to use it, all it takes is praise and treats and keep The box clean and they Will use it. Hopefully the cat went off to a loving home, they are amazing pets when properly trained and looked After, so so intelligent but they need to gain trust with their owner and they will begin to use the litter ect
My cat as a kitten used to wee on my bed now he goes outside happily
Ok magazine been snooping on tattle…
omg what were the comments??Ok magazine been snooping on tattle…
She’ll definitely be changing the name nowOk magazine been snooping on tattle…
Was about to say fans is a stretch . More like people who find her annoying afMolly Mae "fans" lmao