I wanted to ask you girls something as I got a kitten at start of the year and had to let it go.
I don’t know how anyone can cope with the smell, it was weeing and pooing everywhere. It kept going to the toilet next to the human toilet so I put the litter tray in there and it absolutely stank, I don’t know how anyone can live with that smell.
it would literally poo like 7-8 times a day. I gave it away as I could no longer cope with it, the breaking point was it jumping in my babies cot and weeing there. Then it shat on my bed.
I don’t know how people can prefer them over dogs, dogs have much more sense plus they don’t jump on all your surfaces.
I literally had to scoop poo 3-4 times a day. And it would get the litter everywhere as it would kick out the tray and even leave pooey footprints.
I don’t get how Molly would deal with it all!
i have a puppy now and it goes to do it’s business outside generally once a day. And he tells me when he needs to go outside. I don’t know how anyone could prefer a cat over that.