FOD is done - last post just shy of 7k likes 44 comments (2 of those were his replies). I just went in to see if he’s up to any shite today and thought I’d look at the comments on that post. It took me all of about 30 seconds to read (mostly tags). Who remembers the days of the posts where you couldn’t keep up with the stream of sycophantic outpourings? This says everything, even his fangirls cba but that’s mainly because they want to see the cute twinnies but also they 1. Don’t want to see fod 2. They don’t want to see fod in blue leggings 3. They don’t want to see Fod in a pink boiler suit (with or without camel toe) 4. They don’t want to see Fod in Lycra. I’m not a mathematician or statistician but I’d say the over riding factor here is PEOPLE DONT WANT TO SEE FOD. So Sly
do yourself a favour, you desperate beggy
twit, and call it a day. You’ve already lost 400 followers in the last 12 hours and whilst I appreciate at a rate of losing 10K followers a month, we could still have another 96 months to go (8
bleeping years), you’d be well advised to slope off silently on a high and save yourself the embarrassment of this long slow painful death. For loving and caring for you charge
Obvs I’m sat in the garden doing zero enjoying the sun with my phone. Apologies for that long old rant!