Her house now isn't really my cup of tea (the actual building) and I could get something far bigger with more character for what she paid. But.... if she actually stuck her brain into interior design then the house actually does have a little bit of potential. But she hasn't got a clue what she's doing, no structure to how and when she's doing what. Shes literally just grabbing whatever freebie is on offer and trying to make it work and its not working at all. Its all over the place with no plan in place.
I'm sure if she would have said "right I'm doing the living room first so we can relax, then the boys rooms, then sort the garden out, then maybe the kitchen etc" companies would have approached her in that order. But she's a grabby witch and its boring just seeing the end result with her no even getting her hands dirty!
I follow a home account and she is lovely, yes she gets ads, gets gifted things etc but she's doing a reno now and she's mucking in, showing tradesmen do some work, showing the progress and its much more enjoyable to watch.