Of course she loves it! All for attention like everything she does.she was sick of the untoned not bleached enough orange so she made it oranger and is calling it red.
She said it clashes with everything . She just loves it though.
Yes. I think she got sued or something . Because she keeps making a point to say legally she cant say.Shopper's been hinting for a while that SOMETHING bad is going on in the background, but I don't think she's going to say what so we are firmly in "u ok hun" territory
My thoughts exactly. She lives alone and she lives in pure tit. Oh arent we all just dying for all the showing off and getting favva to buy her everything she wantsHow can one person who claims is a workaholic and never home create such a mess the place is like a pig sty….favva n mom are coming over brace yourselves for the constant filming and fawning over the rich relatives that she never sees apart from when daddy is here