Miss Shopper

God she's embarrassing!!!
Isnt she just! She has to be the centre of attention everywhere she goes. So loud and full of herself all the time.
trying to make out she is worried about going out on her own. Ayee right she is so shy isnt she🙄
Its the way she latches on to anyone she can to get attention. Those people she had buying her shots and then shes up making a tit of herself singing and dancing.
No wonder her folks dont want to go out with her. They need a break!
She is one big loud mouthed embarrassment of a woman. Seriously like... 38 going on 5🙄
39, Karen! She’s so loud and OTT. She’s a nice girl/lady but she either has issues or is very, very immature. She would draaaaainn me dry. Her poor dad looks fed up.

Ya, it was pretty sad when her mum was talking to her normally at the shopping centre then suddenly realised she was being filmed :( they seem like lovely people and are doing their best with her, but she's just seeing everything as content for the gram and wearing them out!

What's worse is when Shopper's back home she'll be sad and wishing the days away to the time she can get back and see her dad :(:(
Her dad looks so peed off with her filming all the time. He must be so embarrassed by all her childish excitement over everyday things.
(Mom) isnt impressed either. The constant immature disrespectful comments she makes at them is just rude.
What is with the Stacey Soloman/del boy voice she keeps coming out with this past while? so pathetic and cringe.
As for all the porn sounds when she is in a shop🙈
I imagine favva and (mom) will be looking forward to waving her off.
Small doses and all that...🙄
Moaning how jet lagged she is...
Next thing comes on camera all dolled up ready to go out with David Soloman and 2 others.
What is her fascination with these men? Oh i know they are all well known and Laura just loves to get her self out there and be centre of attention.
This woman is so desperate to be noticed it's super cringe🤢
Why put a post up about a few people she latched onto on holiday. Now making out they are her besties and she needs so see them again, misses them so much blah blah blah...
Get a bloody grip woman ffs. You are so desperate for people to like you and treat you like you are some big celeb.
We all meet people on holiday but dont carry on like a lonely 10 year old child desperate for attention.
Its not a normal way for a 39 year old to act.
Grow up Laura! The way you latch onto people is just super cringey🤢
She and Solomon are such a gruesome twosome. That poor barman didn’t want to be on camera but she forced him and Solomon insulted him because of his mask. Stacey’s dad is such a child. It’s embarrassing.
The way she flirts with him makes me cringe
She definately fancies him and he loves it.
He is a smarmy creep and she is just a loud mouthed desperate attention seeker.
Yes the filming of the barman was just out of order. Who the hell does she think she is. Always going up sticking her camera in peoples faces. She is just rude and clearly lacking in manners.
She is 39 but acts like a 5 year old.
One big embarrassment of a woman!
I love me who do you love🙄
So yet again Shopper is sat in her car ready to drive bumming about her massive hangover. Calls herself an influencer? She is a disgrace. Clearly has a lot of alcohol in her system. Nothing to be proud of!!
Oh and whats with the nails in the mouth on every story.
She doesnt half rate herself ffs🙄
She really is being stupid constantly filming herself very likely over the limit. I’m not one to dob people in it but what if she crashes and kills or disables someone one weekend? It’s not just a one off thing, she is regularly driving the MORNING after a huge night out. Like every weekend. And the evidence is online for everyone to see. Does she really want to risk her whole life because she had to drive to Aldi the next morning for food whilst she still is likely over the limit. Does this woman have anyone in her life that will do her. A favour and talk sense into her?
Crumb dropping that she had a tit week but legally can’t tell us why
Then why mention it
Attention bleep
Exactly why even say it. She is one massive attention seeker.
Cant of been that bad a week when she's out on the piss tagging along with the tube guy🙄