Didn’t she do Greek Island hopping last year when the youngest left for university? Although she isn’t going to talk about it on the blog she shared a fair bit on instagram, including having an upset stomach.
I don’t understand why she isn’t fully transparent about how much it costs to run the blog, even in the latest post we just get vague-isms. (low thousands/four figures) why not be specific, x for hosting, y for comments. Most people won’t have a clue how much it costs. Very few people comment which makes it look like there’s barely any readers when, at one point, it had around 50,000 page views a post. I can understand if you’re spending £100-£200 a month plus your time on a blog and not getting that back through brand sponsorship you’re going to try to subsidise it somehow. Interestingly, there is only a mention of the costs and not how much sponsored blog posts, ‘buy me a coffee’ donations and affiliate links bring in.
Interesting that very few brands want to engage with blogs now. Everything seems so geared up to fast and furious instagram flogging.