
I’ve followed her blog for many years but I’m just bored by it now. I have no interest in yet another Boden try on or seeing this pair on yet another holiday.
Agreed. I wonder if brands stopped working with her because of her lack of social media presence but I think she does better with long form, blog style writing. If it turns in to a travel blog then I will have to stop following after 6/7 years as I’m just not interested.
I think it was a mistake including her husband. I have no desire to see his childish face grinning in every shot. I wanted to watch a midlife woman’s style not a bloody look how privileged we are with all our holidays blog.
Hate the way she slagged off Instagram so much and now is all over it like a rash. Sums her up.
Not interested in their endless jollies and yes don’t want to see the inane grin of her hubby!
The blog was better going down this route
and as a two some can’t see that being a winner. Yes she was never an insta fan before but now a different story …
I wonder what happened to her working with Hush. When I first started following her she was all over them. It's like when she stops working with a brand she refuses to then ever show their clothes again! What happened to all those pieces I wonder given she loves to keep hold off stuff for years - apparently!
She did a survey and asked if people would pay for her blogs.

She has given feedback and some people have said that she had had a lot of holidays this year and was after money to fund her travels…

She isn’t talking about the Greek hols probably not happy at being called out …
Didn’t she do Greek Island hopping last year when the youngest left for university? Although she isn’t going to talk about it on the blog she shared a fair bit on instagram, including having an upset stomach.

I don’t understand why she isn’t fully transparent about how much it costs to run the blog, even in the latest post we just get vague-isms. (low thousands/four figures) why not be specific, x for hosting, y for comments. Most people won’t have a clue how much it costs. Very few people comment which makes it look like there’s barely any readers when, at one point, it had around 50,000 page views a post. I can understand if you’re spending £100-£200 a month plus your time on a blog and not getting that back through brand sponsorship you’re going to try to subsidise it somehow. Interestingly, there is only a mention of the costs and not how much sponsored blog posts, ‘buy me a coffee’ donations and affiliate links bring in.

Interesting that very few brands want to engage with blogs now. Everything seems so geared up to fast and furious instagram flogging.
All the comments are supporting her and saying nasty people who are complaining so no balance there at all.

She asked to make it a subscription basis thing but timing was all wrong …she was on endless jollies to Cornwall, Portugal , Greek islands most people are lucky to do one trip a year so optics were bad.

It seems like she wanted to go down the travel route and have that funded perhaps…who knows?

What happened to M&S I thought she worked with them?
Am sure they had there Newcastle flat entirely done up decorated and furnished by John Lewis so they keep quiet about that …

The prices they rent it out at per night are eye watering for new Newcastle

No mention of it now I wonder if it’s still being rented on air bnb !
Typical Nikki, asks for comments on her survey, promises its discreet etc etc then moans when anyone has anything slightly less than blowing smoke up her @rse. She really does come across as so childish. Yes it cant be nice reading negative comments BUT she asked for feedback, its up to HER to deal with it in a mature fashion to help her blog along NOT criticise the comments she gets.
Yep !! All those commenting now are saying oh how fab you are and we are happy to pay and how dare nasty people criticise you, you need to make a living yada, yada.
Surprise, surprise the middle mummy’s boy is moving home because being a drama student doesn’t pay. I wonder how Nikki will try and spin this one!
I’ll give her her due. Since the questionnaire I think she’s upped her game with two blogs a week. The brand spotlight posts must have taken a lot of research and were very interesting.

I don’t think anyone is surprised that the middle son is moving back home. Drama so rarely works out but I don’t blame him for doing it or moving back when it didn’t work. He had a safety net with Mum and Dad so why not take a chance and do a degree in something that interests you? It has been mentioned before that he wasn’t overly academic so was unlikely to do a traditional degree. Perhaps it’s because I’m down South but it’s the norm for children to move back home for a while after uni to live ‘rent free’ while they decide what to do.
The eldest had an internship at Nike at one point and then, I think, stayed down South with friends.
I’ll give her her due. Since the questionnaire I think she’s upped her game with two blogs a week. The brand spotlight posts must have taken a lot of research and were very interesting.

I don’t think anyone is surprised that the middle son is moving back home. Drama so rarely works out but I don’t blame him for doing it or moving back when it didn’t work. He had a safety net with Mum and Dad so why not take a chance and do a degree in something that interests you? It has been mentioned before that he wasn’t overly academic so was unlikely to do a traditional degree. Perhaps it’s because I’m down South but it’s the norm for children to move back home for a while after uni to live ‘rent free’ while they decide what to do.
The eldest had an internship at Nike at one point and then, I think, stayed down South with friends.

The eldest split with his long time girlfriend who Nikki never hid her dislike of!!
Her hair is just awful. Why does she think that nasty shaved under cut works for her? It’s just such an odd haircut but she talks about it like it’s the best thing she ever did for herself. I wish someone would tell her.