First of all, it is ridiculous that he only made this video in response to people questioning what was going on. This should have been the first thing he did after the name change. Heck, he probably should have done this before the name change.
Second, his explanation doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. He claims he wants to showcase some non-Disney/cruise destinations so he had to change the name. Although it wasn’t the focal point, he has already been showing other destinations for the last couple of years. Also, his channel name was literally “Michael Kay”. I see nothing about Disney or Cruising in the name itself. There’s no reason he couldn’t have branched out more while retaining that as his “brand”. Unless, of course, he realizes it’s tarnished and he wants to distance himself from it but funnily enough I didn’t hear him mention this in the video.
Third, he pretty much confirms he just wants to show the locations and not much of himself. That suggests the format we’re seeing now is probably what we’re going to see going forward. He fails to realize this format is boring as hell.
Fourth, I’m happy to be proven wrong but I just don’t see him going to many places that far out of the box. And again, he has shown places like Cedar Point, Rochester, MI, beaches, non-Disney restaurants, etc on his channel before. What is really going to be so drastically different now?
Fifth, the way he constantly says “we/us/our” is just nauseating. I know he has done this before but something about the name change combined with everything that has gone on with him recently just makes it even worse.