Not Ophelia it’s too popular for her remember xxxxIt’s fox sailor I think so all her kids middle names or maybe she’s doing all double barrelled names like stevie rain,Ophelia blue etc
Not Ophelia it’s too popular for her remember xxxxIt’s fox sailor I think so all her kids middle names or maybe she’s doing all double barrelled names like stevie rain,Ophelia blue etc
Just going to leave this here We all know different
Definitely!! At the moment shes a doll she can dress and have as an accessory, I wonder what will happen when Mabel gets older and decides she doesn't like anything mia wants her to wearI'm not one to judge children but the way Mia genuinely thinks Mabel's name is super unique and thinking all of her other names are so amazing is embarrassing. She treats Mabel as an aesthetic interest board
I'm not one to judge children but the way Mia genuinely thinks Mabel's name is super unique and thinking all of her other names are so amazing is embarrassing. She treats Mabel as an aesthetic interest board
compared to most she pays for 0! Food bills, house bills, bills to keep the house running, mabels food bill. I can’t wait until she moves out and see it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. I live in a three bed terrace just outside Manchester and my bills just for house without food and bills like WiFi or tv licence (things you don’t even realise you need to pay for) is around 1000 a month all together about 1300 bills. After coronavirus some banks want a 15% deposit on a house and you need a credit score above 900 to even be accepted for a mortgage, it took me a year after I was declined a mortgage because of my credit score to finally be accepted. I think Mia just thinks she’s going to click her fingers and have it all by the time she’s 18Just going to leave this here We all know different
It would be funny as well as Mia constantly says she doesn’t like girly things and bright colours and doesn’t like Disney yet what if one day Mabel comes up to Mia and asks if she could buy her some bright clothes/Disney clothes and that Mabel wants to be a girly girl like most little girlsDefinitely!! At the moment shes a doll she can dress and have as an accessory, I wonder what will happen when Mabel gets older and decides she doesn't like anything mia wants her to wear
She’s a child that has been thrown into the adult world yet still acts like a child. She’s extremely privileged for a 17year old that’s just had a baby and that’s massively because she doesn’t have real life situations to be responsible for like the upkeep of a house and bills. It’s extremely stressful, especially with small children. I don’t think Mia understand that atall, her head is so far in the clouds she’s laughable. She has it far easier than most young mums. You’re right too, her priorities are so wrong for someone with 10k In the bank and needing things for Mabel.I'm not sure why she tries so hard to make it seem like she bought everything and has done everything for Mabel, we all know if it wasn't for her living situations and her family she would almost have nothing to support Mabel. She constantly talks about her savings account yet i never actually see her using it on some essentials only on doc martens and morphe palettes...priorities am i right
I thought that , the way she tried to push ocean on her name suddenly because it’s abit unusual. Everything is all for the aesthetics, the way she tries to dress her aswell it’s all for insta pics. My daughter has an ocean and two mabels in her class at school. Mia would be the type to be like that my daughters name no one else’s
compared to most she pays for 0! Food bills, house bills, bills to keep the house running, mabels food bill. I can’t wait until she moves out and see it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. I live in a three bed terrace just outside Manchester and my bills just for house without food and bills like WiFi or tv licence (things you don’t even realise you need to pay for) is around 1000 a month all together about 1300 bills. After coronavirus some banks want a 15% deposit on a house and you need a credit score above 900 to even be accepted for a mortgage, it took me a year after I was declined a mortgage because of my credit score to finally be accepted. I think Mia just thinks she’s going to click her fingers and have it all by the time she’s 18
I’ve honestly found with most things (especially baby related nappies, clothes etc) the uglier/cheaper stuff is honestly much better quality because you’re not paying an extra £10 for some flowers or whatever"I don't buy nappies if they aren't really pretty" Mia we get it you try to make Mabel the perfect aesthetic child but when you think a design is a priority you need to grow up. A brand of re-usable nappies could be the best in the world and she would not pick them if the design was not visually pleasing. For once pick something your own child would be best with and not if it suits your instagram feed
OMG I didn’t even think of that.. doesnt her mam have some heart problem so she’ll die if she gets corona?Fox Sailor literally sounds like a comedy name. Also why is she not socially distancing in her insta insta story? Mabel is right next to the other baby, thought her mum was one of the people needing to shield..
Was any of her info about the nappies right or useful?