Imagine having your MIL provide free childcare
four days a week long term (complete with pick up and drop off, because Melanie hasn’t bothered getting a licence in the 17 years she’s had the opportunity) then having the nerve to complain about her perceived lack of a village
Not to mention her own father who lives inside their house and also takes her son out regularly to help. I would be so pissed if I were them, she is unbelievably ungrateful and unaware of the reality of most parents.
How often did she help people with kids (or people in general) before she had her own? Never, I guarantee it. She was too busy not working and galavanting across the world on a permanent grifted holiday (sorry, vlogging opportunity). She expects to have a village without being a village herself. That’s not how it works Mel
She only cares about things that directly affect her. Remember
‘I was forced to live in an attic’. Now it’s
‘Woe is me, I couldn’t grift 100% of the huge house renovation’.
Show me a more insufferable
twit on the internet, I could do with a break from Me-lanie.