Just checked her out, amazing! Thanks Rafaela
That's one of the things that I find most manipulative about Melanie - her faux body positivity. She's shows the natural rolls every single body type experience when sitting down! We never see Melanie showing her cellulite, dimples, active breakouts etc.
This grand claim of her never using filters is BS.She knows her angles too and contorts her body while telling her young viewers not to fall in the fitspo Instagram trend.... all while she does just that. I don't take issue with people falling in love with fitness... I take Issue to the fact she takes pictures of stomach rolls and hashtags body positivity when really it's just a body check- and a cry for praise and external validation.
Like the difference between Danae and Melanie- one actually shows us what real body's look and the other one is heavily posing whole showing off "flaws"
EVERYTHING with Melanie is curated-photographs a minor flaw and thinks she's queen of body positivity. Does a campaign for Dove about commitment to unedited pictures and contorts her body to look slimmer.