Megan Marchant

I cant wait till her kids go to school and think it's normal to throw water or eggs and other tit at other kids as they think its bleeping normal.. hows she going to react to that? Prob say its the schools fault or no one has fun.. like to see of her kids got egged whilst having a tit
Absolutely vile that she needed to film that in the first place then proceeded to upload to social media
She needs to be cancelled
She’s definitely the sort of girl I would hate to be friends with. It’s all a front to whoever her family are that she’s estranged from to prove she’s happy without them. Tie that it with wanting to be gods gift to men and you have one serious eating disorder in its way.
It’s all too much
Everything is filmed
Like everything!
The new reel called ‘bestival flops’
Who even does this?
To me it just says it’s another chance for a video to showcase herself
And once again she is such an ‘IT’ girl it’s unreal
You have families all in the background being normal then you have Megan
And the selfie in the toilet the other night was just pure jokes
Like why was the need?
Everything is filmed , photographed and documented but to an absolute extreme !!
What a sad little life
Let’s see how funny she finds it when her son is suspended from school for using that sort of language. They might tolerate it once or twice but when she’s called in and laughs about it that won’t go down well! What’s the betting though it will be the schools fault. Not her own parenting that is teaching him to act like a self entitled brat to get mummy likes and free things on insta!
Why do we need to know and why do we care that she had her armpits waxed?
We all do it
What’s so special about it that we need all them stories and a reel
She is getting ridiculous
Yep with you all
It’s all just too much
The latest one going to get Ezra
She is just so self obsessed
She has such big issues she really does
I think she generally needs help
No one can needs to over sexualise every aspect of there life or have there body out
We get it
You lost weight
But she looks awfull
No shape no definition no duck all
Curves are so much sexier then her boring shape
The lolly reels?!!!!! What the actual f??? It isn't even slightly funny. It makes her look like an over sexualised moron. She defends this idiocy by saying shes a fun mum but how is simulating oral on a lolly being a fun mum?!
And why does she think that her and her bloke throwing cold water over each other is funny?! This slapstick humour is so tired and boring
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