Megan Marchant

It’s quite sad the step count is now Being obsessively used . I don’t understand why no one is pulling her up on it in real life she clearly has an eating disorder and isn’t naturally that size.
I really hope her husband or one of her friends is actually helping her because she just admitted to thousands of strangers that it isn’t healthy and she does have an eating disorder. The calorie counting and steps are not going to be helping, extreme and obsessive exercise is just another form of an eating disorder. She needs some real help and needs to be encouraged to seek this from somewhere. Though I do wonder if that’s why we don’t see much of Erin anymore because she maybe commented on it?
I really hope her husband or one of her friends is actually helping her because she just admitted to thousands of strangers that it isn’t healthy and she does have an eating disorder. The calorie counting and steps are not going to be helping, extreme and obsessive exercise is just another form of an eating disorder. She needs some real help and needs to be encouraged to seek this from somewhere. Though I do wonder if that’s why we don’t see much of Erin anymore because she maybe commented on it?
All of her group of friends are really skinny
Maybe it’s a thing to be really skinny
But as I said in previous post it’s not remotely attractive
It’s just skin and bones
No shape
No curves
No nothing
She actually looked quite ugly in her latest holiday pics her body looked awfull
Nothing beats abit of meat and shape
I feel so sad for her she really needs some proper help . She looked fantastic prior to the 4 stone loss and I really loved following someone who wasn’t trying to keep up with the ‘Influencer thin look’ you can tell the more she lost the more her personality and sparkle faded 😢
I think it's all for show...she's a narcissist and by the end she was smiling. If you have an ED you keep it to yourself you don't broadcast it all over Instagram.
She does this every so often then gets over it and comes on ‘thanks for all the messages and love and people telling me I’m gorgeous ‘
Bore off
It’s all for engagement and validation
Which I really do believe is what she uses insta for
She says she has always battled with her body and looks but haven’t we bloody all
We just don’t all come on filming ourselves crying
I imagine she will just ignore any messages from people telling her to seek professional help rather than blowing smoke up her arse too.
Exactly what I predicted
Screenshots of all messages telling her how wonderful she is
Flowers etc
It’s sickening the extremes people go to in the pretence of being ‘honest, open and real’

But in reality it’s a pretence for needing validation and admiration from a bunch of strangers online she has never met
Absolute delusional
Everything about her stories yesterday were v worrying. It’s clear she has an eating disorder so I find it v scary she’s now promoting losing weight on instagram. It’s actually v irresponsible to any young girls following her. She really needs help, clearly has major mental health problems, yet can’t stop herself from posting on Instagram as it feeds her obsession with herself. I think someone in her family or supposed Friends circle needs to have a word. Although that’s probably not going to happen as her family and extended have all but disowned her. It’s like an actual car crash, watching a complete narcissist who really needs to ditch the gram grow the duck up and get an actual job to keep her busy instead of being obsessed with herself.
Wow. Yes 100% she falls out with everyone that has an opinion so no one would dare tell her to come off the gram.. surely her husband can intervene
Everything about her stories yesterday were v worrying. It’s clear she has an eating disorder so I find it v scary she’s now promoting losing weight on instagram. It’s actually v irresponsible to any young girls following her. She really needs help, clearly has major mental health problems, yet can’t stop herself from posting on Instagram as it feeds her obsession with herself. I think someone in her family or supposed Friends circle needs to have a word. Although that’s probably not going to happen as her family and extended have all but disowned her. It’s like an actual car crash, watching a complete narcissist who really needs to ditch the gram grow the duck up and get an actual job to keep her busy instead of being obsessed with herself.
I really hope her husband or one of her friends is actually helping her because she just admitted to thousands of strangers that it isn’t healthy and she does have an eating disorder. The calorie counting and steps are not going to be helping, extreme and obsessive exercise is just another form of an eating disorder. She needs some real help and needs to be encouraged to seek this from somewhere. Though I do wonder if that’s why we don’t see much of Erin anymore because she maybe commented on it?
Yes, to admit to your followers publicly! It’s fucked up. Surely she can see the irony of not asking for help or being able to talk to friends yet openly breaks down the her followers publicly! It’s insane. She’s doesn’t live in the real world it’s all Instagram!
I hope she realises when she’s at the school gates all the mums and teachers will know her as that mental mum obsessed with herself on Instagram who got major problems and will give her a wide berth. It’s really sad.
The change in mood is just ridiculous. Straight back into begging for free gifts of the back of saying she has an eating disorder. Not taking any real steps to fix things. If you were actually genuine would you not use the platform you have to help others by showing the help you get. Nope, just back to begging and making out everything’s fine.
Someone with an active eating disorder, advertising Hello Fresh.

i was literally about to write the same thing! Hypocrite or what!? She literally makes me cringe. Basically begging for free stuff because she is too much of a princess to go out and work like the rest of us! She has been a complete psycho since school! She was also a massive bully at school. Especially to people.overweight. i should know i was one of her victims
i was literally about to write the same thing! Hypocrite or what!? She literally makes me cringe. Basically begging for free stuff because she is too much of a princess to go out and work like the rest of us! She has been a complete psycho since school! She was also a massive bully at school. Especially to people.overweight. i should know i was one of her victims
Go on ……….
Ladies (or men) spill the beans ….

I was at secondary school with her. She was vile from day one. Thinking she was the bees knees and little miss popular. I was in quite a few of her classes and she openly bullied me in class and tried to get the whole class against me. To the point where i ram out of lessons in tears

So her pity pity me act doesnt wash with me. She was never bullied at school she was the bully. Im sure im not the only one who hates people giving her free stuff. She doesnt deserve anything. Saying that she never got on with her sisters is a joke. They were all as bad as one another. No wonder their mum left them!
Her and her sisters where all slags. Slept with other people's boyfriends. Different blokes every week. She would single people out and just nasty about them and alienate them from everyone . She has always been very tiny so I don't know why the whole eating disorder. I'm sure she's bi polar if anything.. she just loves the attenrion.. the fact she has to have it from strangers is proof that she's nasty as people who know her do not like her . She loud and crass. don't feel sorry for her .
Ladies (or men) spill the
Her and her sisters where all slags. Slept with other people's boyfriends. Different blokes every week. She would single people out and just nasty about them and alienate them from everyone . She has always been very tiny so I don't know why the whole eating disorder. I'm sure she's bi polar if anything.. she just loves the attenrion.. the fact she has to have it from strangers is proof that she's nasty as people who know her do not like her . She loud and crass. don't feel sorry for her .

This is 1000% true. So nice to hear someone else thinks the same.

Also.....most normal people have at least 1 or 2, maybe 3 friends they are still friends with from school! She has zero. Not one of those girls she hangs around with are old friends. Just goes to show no one liked her. I wish people would just unfollow her. I have. But then i see one girl from school literally ass licking her stories and posts. She didnt even like her at school which just makes it far more cringy