Today he behaved because he was out with his bestie Heidi Sasha Shoana Jasmine Lauren Wellard adellle Amy.
Tmw it’s breakfast in spoons with his Mum and sister , and no doubt Marcus will drag that out to get Sid to buy him a microwave and stock up his fridge again.
Wed , maybe he can persuade another friend to take him out somewhere again but more than likely it will be him and his tiny tv inhaling crisps
Thur, he will start getting pissed off that Heidi etc have weekend plans and he’s not invited
Friday he will realise he isn’t being babysat by family across the weekend and is being expected to fend for himself .
so my money is on Friday he will test the waters with a couple cans on live , ready for a “ drunken” no one understands me/I have no support/woe is me emmerdale audition crying live Saturday.