Now listen up Astra Zeneca or Pfizer Lindz doesn’t have time for side effects or be ill ! You have been warned ! Jesus have you noticed all the positivity is always with a back handed moan. You are ahead to people with your jag and still moaning !
Us too, we have family overseas we haven’t seen since summer 19 and are really hoping things change later on so we can travel, wish we had went last year but abided by the advice and stayed home.I have heard nothing but moans from her about the weather smile Lynsey you are now safe to travel aboard Oh you did last year didn’t you because you couldn’t wait to leap on a plane.
We are fully vaccinated and have been for a long time had our first ones back in January. We can’t see us traveling to our villa in Lanzarote anytime soon Hubby hasn’t seen his parents since last September when they came over to meet the twins. We wish we’d up sticks beginning of December and left the dreary UK and flown out to warmer weather. We miss our family and can only dream of seeing them
Along with covering your trainers in toothpaste?I just don’t see her appeal. She’s so fake with her product reviews. And all these stupid cleaning hacks? Cleaning your sink with shaving foam has to be the worse!
“Trainners”Along with covering your trainers in toothpaste?
Makes me feel sick . . Everytime
Beggy McBeggerson is trying her hardest for a deal with Matalan , twice we have seen the outside gear ...
So lego hair is whipping her hair back and forth at the hairdressers let's hope they level up her lopsided lego style