Absolutely no flow to her style whatsoever. . Be it clothing OR interiors.
The lemon t shirt, whether its her "fing" or not . . You are certainly not "rocking" it with that ugly polyester powder blue blazer
Country cottage peonies . . Lovely.
On a tray edged with bubblegum pink pom poms . . Not so.
No class or style . . As per
Exactly this :~
Hire a professional. It would only take a day to unpick your bad habits, show you how to style your photos, how to make your content flow. Suggest topics to talk about and in a manner that is informative and useful. Thus giving you more content and perhaps move you on to the next level
Example ~ you have mentioned your covid vaccine today, why not expand on what side effects you had last time, and also talk about people who you know and their experiences with the second?! Everyone I know who has had their second, have had fewer effects than the first. Perhaps also learn more vocabulary rather than sticking to your stock of twelve words.
Stay away from showing off your efforts regarding cooking. Food photography is a whole different level. Clearer filters are needed, same with photographing flowers and home styling. Think about the setting, eg. The plates, background and lighting. Go on a course or again hire a professional to show you how.
Your fashion choices are somewhat niche and not to everyone’s taste. My advice is go along to John Lewis. Hire a personal shopper and pick up a few classic pieces, and step up at least two brands … they will be sustainable in the long run and will stop with your need to buy every week. I think you will find in the long run it’s a cheaper option.
Go back to your roots … cleaning. Go bey what you do now, steaming your floors is ok for a cursory clean, but it doesn’t get into the corners or the little square you have when a door is open. Show people the benefits of moving furniture out for a clean behind and underneath. I know you are all about speed but at the end of the day it’s not really cleaning is it? Hoover curtains, blinds on both sides, take seats off sofas and hoover the back and dust furniture not just on the top, but sides and backs! Light fittings, corners of carpets. I could go on.
A tip for yo, when photographing gorgeous peonies, a white ceramic vase or a country styled one and a background that makes them ”pop” (grr. That word). Ie something that compliments them. A definitely no filter
Happy to give you any advice
edited to check my grammar and spelling. Is also a good tip