becky's artex ceiling
VIP Member
Let’s all face it she is a prized twit, no matter what she does it will never make sense to a normal person like us. But I am starting to think, is half the stuff she does and says to play us here ?? Cause it’s funny we mention something and boom next day she is doing it. Or is she really so bleeping up her self she Carnt see what a tit she looks the way she acts. Either way she is the only person who grates on me, makes me angry and makes me want to slap silly lol.
I've thought this for a while. Too many stories that coincidentally start with her flashing the smokey bacon chest at the camera. Taking the dog on two walks (or at least, posting two separate walk videos) the day we started complaining about that.
Lynz if you are reading this FRED you should stop! Concentrate on improving your piss poor content, rather than throwing subliminals to a gossip forum of people laughing at you... if I'm honest wif you those stories will just be confusing to the rapidly declining set of followers who are actually receptive to your grifting swipe ups