I’ve lived in the countryside most my life (nearest town to me is 18miles away). I’ve never worn a handbag on a dog walk
. I wear a fleece or hoody, leggins, waterproof puffer coat and trainers. I’ll wear wellies if we go in the fields but yeah, no handbag. Am I meant to carry a handbag for my lipstick to reapply it and look good for the hundreds of sheep I come across?
Been dying for ages to rant that I’m basically what Lydia cosplays (but fear I’ll look braggish), I come from a wealthy family that own loads of land and grade listed properties with boxing days spent with the family out shooting, which us girls don’t participate in ‘cause it’s boring, cold and shooting live animals is grim, we sit in the house in our sweats drinking and chatting while preparing food for when the men return. We don’t wear signet rings, at most we may wear passed down pearls on special occasions. Lyds if you read this, here’s a coat and blazer my Mother gave me, real vintage
that I wear with my M&S crossbody bag because Hermes is considered tacky. Birkin bags gives off “footballer’s wife” who have no personal assets or independent income. We’d rather put money into bonds than Bond Street. You’re making a mockery of yourself being a female dressing as a shooter and having a handbag collection worth more than a deposit on a property (such hideous financial decisions)
. Also, I’ve not seen Dubarrys since I was at Harper Adams University a decade ago. We wear Chelsea boots. If her and Ali went on a dog walk like that where I lived, we’d think they’re filming a satire TV show or something. Lastly, I’ve never ever been into any countryside house that doesn't have an AGA and a piano. Her Kitchen couldn’t look more new build if it tried.