VIP Member
I m sure she honestly thought one of her followers would have leapt at the chance of buying the bungalow when she announced she was selling.
I agree about how difficult it will be for anyone converting their 2 dressing rooms into bedrooms, she mentioned it because we discussed here how she had single handedly de-valued her bungalow by turning it from a 5 bedroom property into a 3 bedroom one. Years ago I was told a bedroom increases the value of a property by £25,000.I would bet money that these two muppets think they can get around £2 million for this fur-coat-no-knickers bungalow. Actually, I would bet they NEED to get that much at minimum to be able to get out of there. Meanwhile, this is the kind of house that is in that price range within that general area. And nevermind trying to compete with Buckinghamshire pricing. She is in Northamptonshire and no potential buyer will let her AbFab her way into "Holland Park" with her pretentious nonsense.
"Tearing out the dressing rooms" isn't as effortless as Ms Lydia implied in her latest vlog. Whoever wants to convert those rooms back into bedrooms will need to rebuild those rooms from scratch. Not many people with young children will find that appealing.
They will be lucky if they find someone to buy it at the value it's currently estimated. Since they have spent at least double £246k on renovations and improvements to this lemon house, I imagine the thought of only having acquired £246k in additional value since purchasing will make Lydia physically ill. But if they have to get out of that £1.3 mortgage asap, then that's their only option and will probably put them in an even worse financial position.
I m sure she honestly thought one of her followers would have leapt at the chance of buying the bungalow when she announced she was selling.