If I can give one piece of advice to you & other Tattlers who are in impossible, scary and difficult situations - it’s try not to get too bogged down & stressed over things you cannot change or have any influence over. Keep doing things that improve your situation or make it easier to get you through a day.
This time last year my escapism was Tattle. I came across it during all nighters at my son’s bedside. A few weeks later after being faced with a do not resuscitate order for him, I joined Tattle made my first cheery post.
A month later a post from Lidl was the straw that broke me. The bl##dy non-sponsored walk for charity which turned into a wine walk & cushy hotel stay instead of using her platform for something positive for an amazing charity. This happened an few months after we had exhausted a huge chunk of life savings on special life saving drugs and I realised I had to swallow my pride and agree with my daughters suggestion to create a Just Giving page. In 3 hrs we had donations of 5k from family & friends after sharing the link on Facebook. I woke up the next morning to donations of over £7k, this soon doubled in the next few days. People’s generosity gave us 7 additional months with our gorgeous son with the drugs we needed for him not available via NHS. We were also able to make two large donations to research charities.
So shout scream cry when you need to & then come on here for some uplifting wit and a wealth of knowledge. Tattle helps keep me happy & sane. Lidl & Aldi will make you very angry at times, but I bet despite what you don’t have or desperately need, you are in a much better place and mindset than either of them.
The future will always be bright because Tattlers shine