Yep. Very standard, just lower middle class cos higher middle class wealth does not at all show like her pictures have. So she has just given her away with supposedly wealthy status symbols that were merely examples of how, on occasion and special events, lower middle class made all efforts (no shame absolutely, very valid indeed) to show up nicely done for events or to save up for rentals, etc. while on holidays. Again, so very normal, standard for those times and, of course, no shame at all and very valid. But ffs, higher middle class and bourgeoisie really looked impressive, always. Bourgeoisie has mostly always exuded internal class and elegance ever since it came about as an expanded standard tier in the class system in the 17th century.
FAIL, Lydiot, major fail. Learn your history and art history class all over cos you have just shown you came from a lower worker middle class, the one earning honest wages and consuming as such. You will never learn cos you never set foot in a bourgeois house, let alone an aristocrat one, in your life up until now when you are invited by brands to events or you somehow rent/beg for one for an occasional shoot in an effort to deceive you come from that. You don’t and there is no shame on that, so please stop pretending cos it makes you look desperate for one, but worse contemptuous or shameful of your very average roots.