I am just catching up with the latest comments as I’ve not been on here for a little while, I just want to say .. I don’t give a flying fook how the woman feels, I don’t give a fook if I have potentially contributed to suicidal thoughts, call me cold, call my heartless! When you’re having your throat sliced, your ankle broken so you’re unable to even run, put into a boot of a car & held hostage for 24 hours, had cigarettes put out on you, a air rifle held to your head, told what to wear, your phone smashed, your family turned against you, made to sit in a house all day & night with no form of contact with absolutely anybody, punched & thrown to the floor over another man looking at you in the street, forced to flee the area you’re living, the area you grew up, the area your WHOLE family live & the only area you have ever known to move over 6 hours away constantly living in fear, remembering the little things like the number plate of his car, constantly avoiding & having panic attacks whenever you’re seeing the model of the car thinking he’s found you, To then listen to somebody literally lie through their dirty HORSE teeth about abuse makes me sick to my stomach! Upon hearing about what I had been through after I had confided in her in confidence having her tell me “you made the choice to stay, you must of done something to him, you must of hit him” I’m sorry but I’ll never in a million years have any form of remorse for the woman. Unless you have been through it yourself you’ll never ever understand the fear, the sick feeling you get in your stomach whenever you hear his name! For somebody to sit & tell me I basically put my self through that she can suffer the most painful death in my eyes.