Why is she sharing a friends medical problems with Instagram?? Why is she asking for medical advice on Instagram?? Surely the woman should be seeing a doctor
Certainly the case when I had mine!She's asking so she can have a new problem in a few weeks time.....only if the answers are life threatening of course
Also...can I just ask the mammas on here.. is it not normal for the mother to also be checked at the 6 week appointment? I have been with all of mine (obviously to the extent that I wanted which was almost nothing but I'm sure if I had asked they would have done other things)
Guys I CANNOT with Ryan’s 43756th hobby of tracing simple cartoon animals anymore it’s not like he’s designed some unique characters or doing realistic sketches…. He’s like a child trying to secure a spot on the fridge. Are you not embarazzzzzzed.Eeeeeek…..! Does this mean morecopyingdrawing content incoming from Bryan? I am HERE FOR IT.
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I wrote about this in the other thread on made in Chelsea but apparently its cos producers think her state of mind and mental health could be too fragile for reality tv right now.. I mean her TikTok is literally called Louise is getting better.. she really fucked herself over lmfao. Also she’s too negative for their fun new showSeeing trailers for Beyond Chelsea on my social feeds.
With Lucy, Binky and Rosie being described as the OG queens
(Surely that was Caggie and Millie?).
No mention of TT.
Nearly as many as Louise has thenOmg the latest reel of their latest podcast. How are they actually taking themselves seriously? I died a thousand deaths just watching 30 seconds
All that money on private education