It’s the private school world - what your parents do, what size house you live in, expensive holidays every half term etc, the competitiveness really kicks in at Darcy’s age. Let’s put it this way, a lot of the parents are consultants, GP’s, Barristers, Lawyers etc compared to Louise that doesn’t have a masters or PhD etc but nethertheless, is invited to premieres of Disney movies, NTA’s, writes a few books, chats from Hello and Radio Npton, loves TikTok, Insta not so much, but she appeals to the teens and no doubt their Mums are interested out of curiosity or equally are mortified by what they see/read!
The fake “upper/middle class” voice (which is getting worse!) the lululemon, Jules, White Company, Jo Malone need I go on etc is all part of the charade to be as good as or better. The one thing missing is they don’t take Darcy skiing every Feb - if you can’t ski or go on the school skiing trip you’re not top level! Surprised Matt hasn’t tried this, but perhaps it’s not his bag either.
Louise has said many times that Darcy wants a career in social media and of course the child would be loving all the attention this is bringing from her peers in the playground. Everyday pals going home saying, Mummy, Darcy has 7000+ followers! Watch it grow!