yeah, i noticed that. Darcy speocifed that she wanted gold stars or hearts, only to then share footage of her looking in the mirror and saying "i think i prefer silver" - purposefully trying to give the impression that those diamond studs were Darcy’s choice, when in reality, Darcy was simply saying that she preferred the studs Louise chose for her in the silver rather than the gold. so not only did Louise demand she have diamond studs, when she wanted plain ones, she also didn't even end up with the gold studs she wanted! that's likely why she left with a bag - Louise agreed to buy the plain gold star-shaped studs she actually wanted as long as D agreed to pose with diamond studs for the sake of content and the fancy "diamond studs and a piercing in Harrods" vlog! wherever Pearlie has her ears peirced in the future, i hope she refuses to listen to Louise's suggestion and chooses a pair of studs that SHE loves, and - just to irk Louise - shows her wild and quirky personality by selecting two mismatched studs for her ears - because after all, each earring is priced individually, so she may as well make the most of it! even better if they totally clash with each other, yet look super cool just not in theme with Louise's style who will likely want Pearl earrings for her Pearlie girl, just as darling Darcy needed diamonds - i have high hopes for Pearl's rebellious nature!