Lizzy and Lindsey #11 Cliché...that's French for these two

WTF is this outfit though?!!

One last thing about the J.Crew ad... it really just drives home the fact that not everybody can be a model. A lot of it comes down to learning how to pose and be in front of a camera, yes, but sometimes it's just whether or not you were born with a good face. The Halpin girl looks good in all the photos; whether or not you think she's "pretty", her bone structure and angles and facial expression all work (plus she knows what to do with her body). That Christie girl is pretty, but she is flat on camera. And Lizzy... well, she's pretty much hopeless.

Linda is trying to morph into Alexa Chung from 10 years ago with the baggy men's tops, flat hair, and Chanel flats.
I think that’s one of the Halpin sisters and that’s her signature look-moody.
So Lizzy has a new area obsession, what’s the chances of her looking to buy a property in north London?
Hahah yes that is the Haplin sister I think hahahah and her signature look is moody! Too funny.

100% she’ll start house hunting in Hampstead. Of course she can afford it and still flit from 2 expensive cities in the world on a regular basis, by just doing book clubs 🥴