Liz Fraser #8 So many Liz’s and not a single one to like…

This morning when I woke up after MORE and BETTER sleep than any of you peasants, I stretched out and thought, before I get up I really must contort myself into taking a "natural" photograph of myself in my bed so you can all adore how thin I am how delectable I look in my nightwear that is very sexy because John Lewis pyjamas can be sexy, especially when a button has fallen off so they are displaying a bit of flesh. Sure I might have put my shoulder out trying to get the angle right and then I had to retake the shot a few dozen times to get that just woken up oh so sexy mussed hair natural look because what could be more natural than you in your bed taking selfies of yourself to look like it wasn't you taking them at all? Then I decided not to post them on social media because my friends and family would stage an intervention and rightly so. But what you really need to work out is whether I was wearing any knickers at the time
She never posts unless she’s making a point. Is there a message to decode here? What’s she trying to say to someone — and to whom?

… obviously apart from the absolutely desperate tragic thirst/neckbeard engagement

I had typed out a long and amusing post on the tube but lost it, so am sharing this snippet of chat with VieuxHomme instead.
How exciting! She's got her business cards!! She must have an entire room of useless cardboard squares from all of her REALLY AMAZING projects. She should maybe just donate them all to an animal charity to build a little cat house or something - lets face it, trees died needlessly for all of them
It’s exactly this, my own mother was the same, she had to have men who were unobtainable and once she had them she was quickly bored of them and they discovered the reality wasn’t much fun, just a snarling mess, it must have destroyed her as she got older and lost her looks, without looks there’s nothing to attract the gullible man, just wait Liz, it’s already happening to you and will only get worse, your ‘best days’ are definitely long gone

ugh. sorry your mum was like that. It is a bit tragic even when young, beautiful women reduce themselves to their looks.

But when women who've lost whatever little appeal they ever had keep playing the "femme fatale", it all starts to get a little unsettling.

Not only is Lizzie a tit writer and a failure as a mother, she's not even good at being anorexic. There are literally hundreds of "anorexia content creators" posting online who are far more attractive, much younger, and much, much thinner than she's ever been.

For blokes who just want to look at attractive women, with an entire Internet at their fingertips, why on earth would they choose a dead-eyed, skull-faced granny with a terrifying smile and a jaw that looks like it could pulverise bone?

I guess the only thing she has going for her is that she is very, very... available.
Is she going to mail her all star lineup for car crash #546,487 that ridiculous business card? Having been on a podcast or two, yes a real podcast!, I never met the person actually in person. Because 99% of the people podcasters interview are nowhere near where you record!

Who does she plan on passing these out to? Random people on the tube? Riding by on her bike rising then at people?

for a podcast that brings in the New Year, there’s been no hype or excitement.

She’s like teen who just decided to was going to start a business online, so excited! But really no clue.

let the podcast begin!
And of course this is the BEST AND HAPPIEST Christmas ever! she spent all weekend like a perfect elf, spreading joy and cheer! To no one I’m sure. Not even her lovely lot of besties.
IMO the concept behind her podcast is fatally flawed. A 'funny' podcast about 'tit-awful things.' I mean, a podcast discussing tit-awful things with an occasional sense of humour would be fine, but she's actually billing the whole thing as comedy. Most people who are suffering from tit-awful things don't perhaps have comedy at the forefront of their minds.
She’s super pleased & proud of the concept. Believes it is truly original & groundbreaking. As a host/interviewer she lacks the empathy of say, Elizabeth Day, to draw out a guest about the tit things and the humour/wit to make them amusing. I predict she’ll sound like she’s minimising other people’s pain for cheap LOLz which could be entertaining for all the wrong reasons.
I mean..I do sometimes joke about my alcoholism (sober many years!) but if I'm doing something media ish about it, which I do and have done, it's actually a very serious topic and needs gravitas too. Another reason to totally disbelieve her trauma suffering bollocks. She has No Idea