Liz Fraser #8 So many Liz’s and not a single one to like…

Tabitha D. To answer your question. that’s easy... Because she is a lunatic!

You just have to laugh at all of this. She can’t even come up with anything new!

She clearly has no life. No job. No friends. It’s terribly pathetic.

If one of these proclamations ever came true for her (more like lies, I’m being generous here) she might actually have something to build on.
I think there’s something to be drawn here between world mental health day and her increasingly fragile grasp of reality as illustrated by that single picture paired with @Beanchops amazing summary, but I can’t get there (thanks, ongoing insomnia 🥱)
I’m guessing Liz’s fabulous and marvellous news is her response to M’s birthday post to B with the socks about loving cock!! Poor Liz. And she absolutely can’t share her news yet “because of past experiences” - “past experiences” of course meaning “everything I have ever told you all was a lie, and this time is no different. Over and out from the stairs. Thanks and goodbye!”
I’m guessing Liz’s fabulous and marvellous news is her response to M’s birthday post to B with the socks about loving cock!! Poor Liz. And she absolutely can’t share her news yet “because of past experiences” - “past experiences” of course meaning “everything I have ever told you all was a lie, and this time is no different. Over and out from the stairs. Thanks and goodbye!”
Im so gutted I missed the birthday posts. Killer for Liz. Two birthdays. Two very different experiences. 😝
I see the lunatic grinning post with the ‘fabulous news, can’t tell you yet’ announcement has been taken down.

She should create a macro, or whatever it’s called, for “fabulous news, can’t share it yet” to save herself time typing it. She must have expended a ‘mara’s’ worth of calories writing those famous words over the last few months. And still no news!
"I've become so down about the decline in my running in the last two years I've almost stopped doing it. I pop out a few times a week, give it a heavy 5-7km and that's me done."

And yet ...wasn't the Trotters mara era of obsessive running fuelled by the odd cereal bar tossed out of a car less than a year ago? And she did't seem to be so down about her running in January this year either "Just ran the most blissful half marathon in Venice, on my favourite route on Lido." She even wanted to share the love and encouraged us to "sign up to The Venice Diaries in the link in my bio, where all info about my running retreats - and writing retreats - will be published very soon!" What running retreats were those then?

Also in January this year there was lots of gushing about another half mara run and "Oh AND...... I have a marathon partner!!! 🕺🥰 They're all signed up, and are going to run it with me! I've never run a race with anyone before, and this means so much to me. The ONLY snag is that this person runs in a @teamgb vest but....we can gloss over that - they'll be on their 3rd post-race beer before I get halfway 😝" That all sounded pretty upbeat to me what with all the emojis and exclamation marks.
“Yesterday I apparently ran fast enough over 21kms to represent my country if I want to.”

Well, she came in 664th place - so I expect the above applies to another 663 runners. I think maybe she could drop all this ‘I’ and ‘me’ and ‘if I want to’ nonsense - how very entitled given her position in the race!

She can’t ever lie again now about her running. So she’s trying to wrap it up as though she alone has special privileges.
It's not made her top row of pinned posts where, I imagine, she often gazes in quiet (ok, ok, poetic licence) awe at her amazing style and hotness.

I suppose the spin cycle will work round soon enough and we'll get the scripted sobbing-by-the-library post.
God the ‘I live and breathe books’ theme is getting tiresome. Who is she trying to irritate here I wonder? People who have full lives, and partners, who are loved up and busy, and therefore don’t have time to read, or don’t wish to spend hours aimlessly prancing around Blackwells admiring themselves in the windows?