Well, massive HURRAAAAAAAH for the MN Cleaning Ladies. I think – finally - we may be able to hang up our mops and have a well-deserved rest.
Ms Fraser’s SM accounts have been cleaned, sanitized, starched and folded and are no longer the long-running fantasy and vitriolic vendetta, but just about her legs, her happy smiles and her running.
It’s taken us years, but the Cleaning Ladies have finally made her Clean Up Her Act. What a massive SUCCESS!
No more publicly proclaimed LOVE for a married man, no more HAPPEEEEEE with pics of two drinks to celebrate her affair with another woman’s husband, no more very cruel and public remarks aimed directly at women whose husbands she has successfully targeted, no more NO CHILDCARE to scold her parents for not doing the hard graft for her while she takes t&a photos to titillate lonely old men, and definitely no more SOLO PARENTING.
No thinly veiled allusions to experiences of DV making absolutely 100% clear to whom she is referring, only the merest speck of lingering vendetta against the father of her child in recent days, no cellars, no bananas and no requests for her hand in marriage from her any of her children, giant or otherwise.
No pretend publishing companies, no pretend jobs at the Schloss, nor at the Italian hotels, no commuting to non-existent work (Cleaners, I think Liz now recognizes going out for a coffee and uploading t&a pics is not “work”!)
No manic Charlestons in front of the gym mirror, no sticking her tongue out at the “TROLLS”, no pics of bowls of corn or cherry tomatoes, no claims of PTSD, C-PTSD, ADHD, etc, no vague allusions to other non-specific mental health issues, no sitting and swigging from a bottle of booze on the steps of public buildings in Oxford with claims that she WON, or was BELIEVED or whatever it was.
I think her phone will always manage to remind her of photos of her bum from 2007, and upload them to her SM before she can prevent it, and I think we’ll always know whether she is running in -8 or 32 degrees, but it’s a small price to pay for the massive Cleaning Ladies success.
NotSoWiseOldPerson managed to wrap it up for now.
But if there is further nonsense, fabrications, cruelty or fantasy, I rather suspect we’ll be back ……………