*adds rosary beads to list for productionPrayers for Nadine
With a tasteful purse to hold them. Complete with the godawful logo and the PACKAGING*adds rosary beads to list for production
All I can think of is the Father Ted episode where Father Stone's mother shows Ted the calendar where he used to mark off the days until his holidays with Ted . Except Nadine will be counting for a different reason.Prayers for Nadine
Too busy counting her money and 'designing' more tat...Aren’t we gone fierce shy - no talking on stories for days.
My money is on arguments with the lodger
I'd say that Nadine is as bad as her to be honest. I just get the feeling she's another dose. She probably thinks Lisa is some kind of celebrity in Ireland, I mean she's getting all the hype from Lisa's feed, which as we know is a load of claptrap.I have to laugh at her “flying out to Boston” From previous trips she really is the most painful when shes there, sucking up to Nadine & showing off their house & the Brothers boat with her big smug grin! Poor Nadine she must be a saint to put up with her.
The knitted vest - did you ever see anything so rotten . And her tencel shirt would look great under it. The poxy white t shirt didn’t improve it much . And the Nana shoes peeping out from her bell bottoms. Jesus wept.
Sorry is it still a size 10, or is she an 8 them again she mentioned being a 12 so that would mean an 10 or is it 8She wouldn't know what style was if it jumped up and bit her in her size 10 for reference ass
State of it on her. Or wouldn't look so bad with an oversized white shirt under it. She hasn't a clue.I can’t imagine what that knitted yoke would look like after a wash. Pure crap that PS can’t sell.
One of the sheep asked for a demo of washing the brushes.
Sorry, I'm laughing typing that.
How many ways could there beto take a new lot out and pretendto wash brushes?