So this evening you are raising your eyebrows and huffing and puffing about the government possibly closing beauty salons, pubs, restaurants and clubs and non essential shops again this coming week. Just remember that its irresponsible actions that mean that this country is now on its economic knees - yes literally on the brink of disaster. Lockdown isnt something that is taken lightly. It doesnt matter which party is in charge. Its happening because irresponsible people continue to flout the rules; does a visit to Zakynthos with no quarantine ring a bell LPD? how about all your mates round to your house for a party, and all those family members in and out of your house when they should not have been, first time around? I just hope that one of your family members isnt admitted to hospital just after the last ventilator has been given to another patient. Then you might start to support this second lockdown and not react like its some sort of inconvenience to your instagram business. I have lost someone to covid. I hope you never do.